Meet & Eat | Tinkering With Digital Technologies Towards Student-Centered Learning | 21 May
21 mei 2024 12:45 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: Teaching Lab - Door: Teaching Academy | Zet in mijn agenda
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Tinkering With Digital Technologies Towards Student-Centered Learning
How can we develop more flexible and adaptable learning modes that encourage active participation and personalized learning? It is sometimes challenging to answer this question, especially when specialized physical infrastructure is needed for the learning activities. Digital technologies can provide effective means towards this challenge, allowing us to develop hybrid environments that integrate tangible and digital worlds towards student-centered learning.
In this Meet & Eat Serdar Aşut will talk about his work on usability of digital technologies toward student-centered learning.
During the session, Serdar will paint a picture of possibilities through showcasing various projects, focusing particularly on the HANDZONe project which aims to develop a Hybrid Learning Environment for education in architectural robotics. Following the presentation, there will also be plenty of time for question and discussion.
Sign up and join this Meet & Eat to learn more how digital innovations can elevate learning experiences – and what could be in this for you and your education!
12:30-12:45 Walk in & lunch
12:45-13:30 Lunch lecture (recorded)
13:30-14:00 Afterthoughts, Informal discussion and networking (not recorded)
About the speaker
Serdar Aşut is an educator and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of TU Delft. He is an architect and holds a PhD in Informatics focusing on Human-Robot Interaction in design. He is involved in research and educational projects exploring computational methods, creative robotics, digital fabrication, and circular materials within the design, production, and use of built environments.