
Whenever the building (3mE) is open, there is BHV (in house first responders) available. But outside office hours (08:00 – 18:00) the level is set to a minimum, the security company (G4S) will take care of BHV-tasks, this means less specific knowledge of our processes and a longer respond-time (can reach up to 30 minutes).

Therefore the following timeframes are set:

Working hours laboratories building J of P&E:
Working hours in all our laboratories, blue frame and workplaces are from 8:00 till 18:00 (Monday-Friday). Outside this time frames no work is allowed in laboratories, blue frame and workplaces.

Working hours offices building J and K of P&E:
Outside the office hours, office work is allowed during opening hours of the building and in the weekend, with the following remarks

  • Always work with a minimum of two persons (in hearing distance) for your own safety.
  • Be aware that follow up from BHV will take longer, so during that time you will have to help yourself
  • The emergency number is 88888 (TU phone) 015-2788888 (GSM)

Online safety course
Safety courses are assigned via the Labservant, two tests era available; General safety test 3mE (Dutch or English) and lab safety test. All people should complete the first one, experimentalists (as well as their supervisors and students) should also complete the second one. Assignments for this test can be asked for at Michel (M.M.vandenBrink(ad)

Additionally, regular Safety Awareness Meetings will be organized (3-4 per year) for the experimentalists. In these meetings we strive to keep up the newly adopted culture, evaluate how it goes and we can discuss potential further improvements. You will receive an invitation in due time.

Safety awareness meeting 20190522 (or powerpoint version Part 1 and Part 2)
Lab housekeeping safety (20170708)

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Michel (M.M.vandenBrink(ad)