
Materials Science & Engineering is an interdisciplinary study focusing on the relationship between structures and behaviour of materials (science) and the design of these structures to produce predefined properties for specific applications (engineering). Students consider materials over a wide range of length and time scales, from the behaviour of collections of individual atoms through to macroscopic structural and functional properties and from raw material processing through materials production and application to eventual failure and recycling.

Our students consider the development of materials that meet or exceed performance expectations for specific functions as well as with the manufacturing processes that convert raw materials into final engineered products Particular attention is paid to the design of innovative new and sustainable materials for the continuously evolving needs of society.


MSc Materials Science and Engineering - The right choice for you?

The mission is to offer students high-quality, multi-disciplinary education, and to turn out graduates capable of making immediate and significant contributions to a wide range of industrial and academic areas at a global level. More specifically, the following mission statements serve as our guiding principles:

  • to provide students with a sound and thorough understanding of the underlying scientific and engineering principles involved in Materials Science and Engineering;
  • to enhance knowledge of materials design, selection, processing and characterisation with relevance to a broad range of industrial and other applications;
  • to build up awareness of the environmental, economic and human aspects of materials selection, usage, recycling and disposal;
  • to provide students with skills in the planning, execution and reporting of materials processing, characterisation, and implementation for relevant applications;
  • to expose our students to high level materials science research, involving state-of-the-art characterisation tools and to bring students into contact with ambitious and leading materials researchers.

MSE is active in two Bachelor programmes:

 and one MSc programme:


The MSE department offers contributions to the following bachelor's programmes:

Bachelor Mechanical Engineering:

  • The course "Materiaalkunde" (6EC) covering the whole range of materials properties and materials classes;
  • The "Project Materiaalkunde" (6EC) with practicals on a specific material property and a project on material selection focussing on this specific property;
  • A number of projects in the framework of the "Bachelor eindproject" (14EC) offered to groups of 4 students focussing on a particular research topic.

Bachelor Maritime Engineering:

  • Part of the course "Sterkteleer van schepen" (6EC) related to material basics, welding and mechanical behaviour of materials.

The MSc Programme in Materials Science & Engineering combines studies of the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of materials with training in production techniques and the selection of appropriate materials for a wide range of applications.

In the programme, you will gain an understanding of the behaviour of materials under different conditions and learn how to assess their suitability in products and industrial processes. You will study the design of new materials that perform better, last longer, enhance function, conserve resources and have a low environmental footprint. Covering subjects from atoms to applications and from design to disposal, the Materials Science & Engineering programme is well suited to meet the expectations of students with a more theoretical background as well as those with backgrounds in applied science and engineering. 

Saskia van der Meer