
15 juni 2022

Huisvesting als gezondheidszorg: Nelson Mota wint NWO/NRO Comenius Onderwijssubsidie

Huisvesting als gezondheidszorg: Nelson Mota wint NWO/NRO Comenius Onderwijssubsidie

Het belang van biodiversiteit voor de volksgezondheid wordt algemeen erkend. Weinig mensen zijn zich er echter van bewust hoezeer woningontwerpbeslissingen van invloed zijn op de interactie tussen mensen, niet-mensen en de diversiteit aan micro-organismen die onze leefomgeving bevolken. Met het project Housing as Healthcare: Mapping the correlation between housing design, microbiodiversity and health in The Hague heeft Nelson Mota de NWO/NRO Comenius Teaching Fellowship gewonnen.

24 maart 2022

Prerna Prasad wins Best Paper Award 2022

Prerna Prasad wins Best Paper Award 2022

On March 15, Prerna Prasad (Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society, CCD) received first place in the annual Best Paper Award, handed out by the TU Delft | Water for Impact research group during the Water Summit for Global Development 2022. The two runner-ups are Judith Uwihirwe (TU Delft) and Shiyang Chen (TU Delft). The winner receives €2.000,- and the two runner-ups receive €500,- each. This award is made possible through the Goede Vrienden of Delft University Fund.

23 februari 2022

Third prize for two BK graduates in DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award

Third prize for two BK graduates in DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award

Two recent MSc graduated from our faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment became third in the finale of the DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award 2021. The annual event, acknowledges master graduates who come up with ideas to improve the lives of vulnerable groups living in rapidly growing cities in the context of the Global South. Ramona Scheffer and Zhuo-ming Shia were shortlisted with their graduation work amongst 10 other nominees and ended up sharing third place.

22 februari 2022

Delft Global Student Club kick-off 8 March

Delft Global Student Club kick-off 8 March

The TU Delft | Global Initiative Student Club will officially kick off on March 8 at 15:30, at The Green Village's Co-Creation Centre. The event will be the official launch of the Delft Global Student Club, featuring Prof. dr. Rob F. Mudde as opening speaker followed by inspiring presentations of researchers and students.

19 december 2021

New Global Story: Building Pandemic Proof Cities

New Global Story: Building Pandemic Proof Cities

What makes a healthy residential neighbourhood? In recent times, this question has unsurprisingly gained relevance in both healthcare, and urban planning and design sectors. Can interdisciplinary research shed new light on the relation between housing conditions and vulnerability to pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2? Medical and architecture students from Leiden and Delft universities have made a promising start.

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