Exploring Sustainability and Climate Change in Education | Meeting 2

11 februari 2025 15:30 t/m 17:00 - Locatie: Teaching Lab - Door: Teaching Academy | Zet in mijn agenda

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Are you an educator, support staff member, student, or simply someone passionate about embedding sustainable development in education? Are you doing it already? Or perhaps you are curious of how others do so?

We are offering two engaging exploratory meetings designed to inspire and connect individuals across the TU Delft, who are interested in shaping the mindset of future engineers! No matter your discipline, don’t hesitate to contribute—your perspective is equally valuable, as these challenges impact us all.

Meeting 1 | Monday, 27 January (15:30-17:00) - Connect with other like-minded people, share personal experiences, and discuss how sustainability is being/can be integrated into our educational practice. More details will follow soon.

Meeting 2 | Tuesday, 11 February (15:30-17:00) - Collaboratively take first steps in developing a shared vision and common language around sustainability in education, laying the groundwork for future initiatives. More details will follow soon.

These meetings aim to harmonize diverse viewpoints and practices on this topic, fostering a shared understanding and building connections within a broader community of the TU Delft. While sustainability and climate change are vital components of this discussion, we seek to broaden the conversation to encompass a more systemic view of development, addressing critical issues such as inequalities and other interconnected challenges. They aim to bring together diverse perspectives about the topic, which could potentially lead to the creation of a dedicated network or community of practice within the Teaching Academy. Let’s shape the future of education together.

Join us and contribute to this relevant and urgent dialogue on sustainable development in education!