Exploring Sustainability and Climate Change in Education | Meeting 1

27 januari 2025 15:30 t/m 17:00 - Locatie: Teaching Lab - Door: Teaching Academy | Zet in mijn agenda

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Are you an educator, student, researcher, or support staff interested in sustainability?

On Monday, January 27th, we’re hosting one of the first sessions at the Teaching Lab to explore the role of sustainable development and climate change in education. This event is designed for you!

This session has been co-created with Monika Roeling, a researcher and a member of TU Delft’s Sustainability Core Team. Monika’s mission is to integrate sustainability into TU Delft’s education, bridging theory and practice. Recognizing that many educators and researchers across our university share this vision, we’re leveraging the Teaching Academy’s central role to connect people, projects, and initiatives in this critical area.

Our goal is to bring together a community of like-minded individuals in a safe space where you can share, experiment, and learn from each other’s efforts to embed sustainability in education. Through this event, we aim to foster connections among participants and lay the groundwork for future activities that align with your unique interests and challenges.

What to Expect in This Session:

  • Reflect on what sustainability in education means to you.
  • Explore why tackling this challenge is essential.
  • Share your hopes and aspirations for integrating sustainability into education.
  • Learn about the steps being taken at TU Delft to meet these goals.
  • Connect with colleagues working towards the same vision.

Event details

📅 Monday, January 27th
📍 Teaching Lab (accessible via Pulse)


  • 15:00 – 15:30: Walk-in
  • 15:30 – 17:00: Main Session
  • 17:00 – 17:30: Drinks & Networking

Looking Ahead

The second session will take place on Tuesday, February 11th, and will focus on identifying the group’s needs collaboratively shaping potential activities to meet them.

If this interests you, don’t miss the chance to be part of it! Everyone is welcome to share their perspective, so sign up here to attend (any of) the sessions!