SHErobots Level Up: Film Workshop
27 mei 2024 17:00 t/m 19:00 - Locatie: RoboHouse, Julianalaan 67, Delft | Zet in mijn agenda
Prior to the outdoor cinema, level up your film knowledge in the workshop: ‘Blade Runner (1982) vs. Blade Runner 2049’.
Award-winning film, literature, and feminism professor emeritus from America and former visiting professor at Radboud, Dr. Mary McCay, will instruct you on the hero’s journey, film structure, and mise en scene analysis. Together we will examine clips from two films—interpretations of Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?—and their portrayal of gender in a robotic future.
Co-sponsored by the ASIMOV iRO (inclusivity in robotics) study association.
We will have drinks, snacks, and plenty to discuss.
No previous knowledge is necessary besides a love of cinema but it is recommended that you have seen the original Bladerunner (1982).

About our guest professor

Mary McCay trained as an Olympic swimmer, but gave it up because she could not read while swimming. Instead, she earned a B.A. (from Catholic University of America), M.A. (from Boston College), & Ph.D. in English (from Tufts University).
She teaches American Literature, Film, Travel Writing and Irish Literature and is an emeritus professor at Loyola University New Orleans.
She enjoys time in the Netherlands. In 2009, she was visiting Professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen.
Dr. McCay also directed Loyola's Irish Studies Summer Program at Trinity College, Dublin; the Americans in Paris Program in Paris; and two exchange programs: Keele University in the UK and Radboud University in The Netherlands.
Reading leads to writing, and her books, Rachel Carson and Ellen Gilchrist, are the result, as well as numerous articles on American literature and culture and Irish Literature and film.
One day, she might swim the Channel. In the meantime, she received the Dux Academicus in 2004 and The Landrieu Distinguished Teaching Professor in 2006. She has also served as Interim Dean.