SHErobots Cafés: Robot Bubbles and Driving
25 april 2024 12:45 t/m 14:00 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Main Hall | Zet in mijn agenda
Saray Bakker (ME) & Laura Ferranti (ME) demo and discuss motion planning with robots at the fifth event in this series.
Demos: Intuitive motion planning for high-dimensional robots Platooning vehicles
Join us to learn more about the future of automated driving and robotic motion planning defined by the inspiring researchers working on this topic here on campus.
Miss this SHErobots Café? Watch a full recording of the event here:
About the researchers

Saray Bakker is a PhD Candidate in Cognitive Robotics at TU Delft. Her research focuses on intuitive and social motion planning for high-dimensional systems in multi-agent scenarios where the other agents are humans and/or robots.
Laura Ferranti is currently an Assistant Professor with the Cognitive Robotics (CoR) Department, Delft University of Technology. She is the head of the Reliable Robot Control Lab. Her research interests include optimization and optimal control, model predictive control, reinforcement learning, embedded optimization-based control with application in flight control, maritime transportation, robotics, and automotive.