SHErobots Cafés: Medical Robotics
07 mei 2024 12:45 t/m 14:00 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Main Hall | Zet in mijn agenda
Join Laura Marchal Crespo (ME) & Katie Poggensee (ME) to learn more about the future of rehab robots and robotic balance assistance defined by the inspiring researchers working on this topic here on campus.
Demos: PRIDE & DEMO2: Hand and limb rehab robots
Miss this SHErobots Café? Watch a full recording of the event here:
About the researchers

Laura Marchal Crespo is an Associate Professor at the Department of Cognitive Robotics in the Mechanical Engineering Faculty. She is also affiliated with the ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, University of Bern, Switzerland. She carries out research in the general areas of human-machine interfaces and biological learning, and, specifically, in the use of robotic assistance and virtual reality to aid people in learning motor tasks and rehabilitate after neurologic injuries.
Katherine Poggensee is a postdoctoral researcher in Cognitive Robotics at TU Delft and the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Erasmus MC. She studies methods to improve human-robot performance for rehabilitation and assistive robots, through motor learning and optimization techniques. She completed her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University, focusing on ankle exoskeletons for walking assistance.