Papers on Engineering Education
In this section the Spotlight is on Papers on Engineering Education (co-)written by the TU Delft Teaching Community. This repository (in the making) aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and to foster evidence informed teaching. This initiative aligns with the broader mission to cultivate a strong Teaching Culture providing a platform for educators to showcase their contributions to the ongoing evolution of engineering education.
Types of papers in this platform vary from Scientific Papers to White Papers related to engineering education.
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Educating Uncertainty: How students and teachers deal with uncertainty in transdisciplinary courses on urban sustainability
Transdisciplinary approaches are increasingly prevalent in higher education curricula. […] Until now, little research has informed teachers and students how to deal with uncertainty. The central question in this research is therefore: How can transdisciplinary education be designed so that students learn to deal with uncertainty in sustainability challenges? The purpose of this dissertation is twofold: (1) to further refine the theoretical understanding of uncertainty in transdisciplinary education and learn to deal with it; and (2) to highlight principles for designing education that empowers both students and teachers to navigate uncertainty effectively.

White Paper
7 Dimensions Enhancing the Impact of Educators
Whether educators are engaged in full-time or part-time teaching, the primary aim of the “7 Dimensions Enhancing the Impact of Educators” is to illuminate the complexity of teaching and the profound impact educators have in students’ lives. This whitepaper has been developed collaboratively drawing on the expertise of Learning Developers using an evidence-based approach with an iterative design format. The content is carefully crafted to equip educators with valuable tools for self-reflection and to offer guidance on how to navigate teaching authentically and effectively. While this document aims to encompass a wide range of dimensions, it cannot fully encapsulate all facets or address the myriad contexts in which educators find themselves in.
For additional support and advice on teaching and learning, visit the TU Delft Teaching Support website. If you have feedback, suggestions, or comments related to this document, please email
White Paper
Data for Learning
For the past decades, the role of data has been ever growing in almost all fields - learning (and education) not excluded. But what is actually meant by ‘Data for Learning’? What data is available at TU Delft to support teaching and learning? In what way is it being used? For what purpose – and with which impact? And what are the challenges involved? These have been the questions which motivated the team of ‘100 DAYS OF... DATA FOR LEARNING’ to shape the program.
Scientific Paper
Redesigning a first year physics lab course on the basis of the procedural and conceptual knowledge in science model
[...] This educational design research study - distinguishing three stages - describes our approach in transforming the course and provides theoretical insights and practical solutions through the combined study of both the process of learning and the means that support that process. The merits and trade-offs of our approach and the effectiveness of the course transformation are evaluated through surveys, interviews, and assessment of students’ inquiry skills. [...]
One setup for many experiments: enabling versatile student-led investigations
This article presents an experimental setup capable of conducting various experiments. The setup is used to accurately determine the acceleration due to gravity using either the pendulum or free fall experiment, as well as to allow students to conceive and conduct their own experiment. We discuss the design of the setup and the experiments conducted with it, highlighting the versatility and potential use for open inquiry. We include students' perception on this particular experiment and how it led to an interesting and educational open inquiry.

White Paper
6 Reasons Why Students Don't Attend Your (Online) Lecture and Strategies to Enhance Student Attendance
The process of creating this white paper was a collaborative effort that delves into student attendance and engagement. The whitepaper 6 Reasons Why Students Don't Attend Your (Online) Lecture and Strategies to Enhance Student Attendance is the result of collaboration between Teaching and Learning Services and Teaching Academy and reviews involving teaching and learning experts, educators, and students. This resource aims to empower educators with insights to create an environment that fosters active participation, ensuring students derive maximum benefit from their academic journey.
For additional support and advice on teaching and learning, visit the TU Delft Teaching Support website. If you have feedback, suggestions, or comments related to this document, please email

White Paper
Reflection in Engineering Education
Reflection is a term often heard. But what is actually meant by it in the context of engineering education? How do we see reflection being applied in engineering, and where? To what could it contribute? And what are challenges involved? In 100 days, ‘Reflection in Engineering Education’ has been explored through journal clubs, conversations, presentations, a case pitching workshop, and peer exchange among scientific staff and educational support. This paper outlines this exploration with the aim of making reflection more accessible and concrete within the context of TU Delft Engineering Education.