Writing coaching for PhD students
Stuck on your writing? PhD students can meet with one of our expert coaches for free 45-minute writing coaching sessions or join us for one of our writing events.
Writing can be challenging, and PhD students have asked our coaches all kinds of questions: How do I translate my thoughts into a text that makes sense to somebody else? How can I make my abstract more convincing? Can you help me to stop procrastinating? I need to finish my thesis! It can be good to know that you are not the only one struggling with these problems. What’s more, our coaches can give you concrete tips and tools to overcome these problems. Book a session with us if you want to improve the overall structure and academic style of your writing, learn how to write better paragraphs and how to reference correctly. Or join us during the next PhD Writing Days to get some actual writing done.
We organize one-to-one coaching sessions, either on campus or online. The sessions with our writing coaches are question-directed, which means that all our feedback and suggestions are tailored to your specific situation. You can also send in a couple of pages of your writing beforehand to illustrate the issues or questions you would like to discuss during the session.
Our coaching sessions are free.
Signing-up is easy. Just book a timeslot in our calendar (also shown on this webpage if cookies are active).
Coaching sessions take place at the Writing Centre or online, depending on your preference. The Writing Centre is based in the Institute for Languages and Academic Skills in the TBM building (Building 31, Jaffalaan 5).
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TPM, building 31Room C0.020
Jaffalaan 5