Virtual Classroom (Bongo)

With Virtual Classroom (Bongo) you can have online interactive classroom sessions in Brighspace with up to 150 participants per session and a duration maximum of 240 minutes.

You can also share a join-link with external (not TU Delft) users, record sessions, and publish recordings to your course in Brightspace. During the Virtual Classroom, you can share your screen, PowerPoint slides, Word and PDF documents, Images, Annotations, and Live drawings on a Whiteboard. You can also use a webcam (you can share up to 7 webcams simultaneously)

Not what you are looking for? Have a look at and compare other online meeting tools.

Due to privacy issues, we advise you not to re-use recordings of Virtual Classroom meetings. In the recordings, you can see who participated in that particular meeting and the questions that were asked. Any files that were uploaded during that meeting are visible as well. We strongly recommend to use Kaltura or Collegerama to record your lectures when you plan to re-use them for other courses or next year’s courses.

Configuring Virtual Classroom

Manage your Virtual Classroom

Main Canvas Area

Title, recording and connection quality


Audio settings, sharing webcam and desktop, drawing and participant status

Creating Groups

Actions: breakout room, mute all, initiate a poll, upload a presentation

Breakout Rooms