Rules, Guidelines and Participation

Various rules and guidelines apply to you as a student, as well as to the university. This page contains information relating to your legal status.

Fraud and Plagiarism

Studying at a university involves an academic working attitude. Learn to rely your own critical ability and be assessed on your performance. Fraud does not fit with an academic work attitude. What is fraud and plagiarism? What are its consequences? How can you prevent it?

» Fraud and Plagiarism

Binding recommendation on continuation of studies (BSA)

All first-year bachelor's students are subject to a binding recommendation on the continuation of studies (BSA). This means that you have to obtain enough credits in the first academic year to be allowed to continue your studies.  

» Binding recommendation on continuation of studies (BSA) 

Residence Permit for Study

Students with a residence permit for study can find all information on the rules, requirements, renewal and additional information here.

» Residence Permit for Study

Objections and appeals

Do you disagree with a decision of the university or a body thereof (such as a Board of Examiners, examiner or the Executive Board)? You may be able to lodge an objection or administrative appeal. 

» Objections and appeal

Central Complaints Desk for students

Do you have a complaint about TU Delft, one or more of its faculties or employees? If so, you have the option of filing a complaint. Read here how and where to do that and what the legal deadlines are. 

» Central Complaints Desk for students

Student participation

As a student, you can participate through various Delft or national organisations, such as the student councils or the national student union. Student councils represent the interests of students at faculty or university level.

» Student participation

Student Charter

The Student Charter describes the rights and obligations of students and TU Delft. The statute informs about mutual expectations, regulations and available facilities within the university.  

» Student Charter

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics contains ideals, responsibilities and rights for students and employees. The document is updated regularly and includes the Code of Honour.  

» Code of Ethics

Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) and UR

The TER regulates education, examinations and exams, and establishes rights and obligations of students and teachers. In the event of a conflict, the TER serves as the basis for a ruling.

» TER en UR 

Online Proctored Examination Regulation

In the regulation you will find what responsibilities lecturers and students have in using and participating in this assessment method. You will also find more information about privacy and data security and where you as teacher and/or student can go with questions.

» Online Proctored Examination Regulation

Profiling Fund (RPF)

The Regulation Profileringsfonds (RPF) offers financial support to students who are delayed due to circumstances. Consult the Academic Counselor of your faculty/program if you wish to apply for this arrangement. 

» Profiling Fund (RPF)

Intellectual Property

Do you have a brilliant idea? Check your intellectual property rights and commercialisation possibilities. Students should know the rules and make agreements before using anything commercially.  

» Intellectual Property

Enrolment and Tuition Fee

Information about enrolment, re-enrolment, termination of your enrolment, tuition and examination fee can be found on this page.

» Enrolment and Tuition Fee

Regulations on the use of buildings, grounds and facilities

What are you not allowed to do in TU Delft's buildings, grounds and facilities? And what are the consequences if you violate the rules and guidelines? 

» Regulations on the use of buildings, grounds and facilities