Research Groups
Learn more about the research groups you are interested in. Click on your Master below to discover the research groups.
The Computer Science master offers a lot of freedom. Do you know with which research group you would like to do your thesis project? Find out more about them here and what courses they recommend.
Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV)
The Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV) group investigates fundamental concepts and technologies for realistic, perceptual, and expressive rendering, visualization of scientific and medical data, interaction and games, modelling of 3D content, computer animation, and virtual and augmented reality. Our research is motivated by applications from domains such as healthcare and medical technology, architecture, entertainment (movies and games), and simulation.
Web Information Systems (WIS)
In its research and education, the Web Information Systems (WIS) group aims to make web information system engineering more effective in processing, retrieving and interpreting human‐generated web data. In this context WIS investigates three research topics 1) Web‐based user modelling 2) Web data processing and retrieval 3) Human‐enhanced web systems.
Algorithmics (ALGOR)
Within the Algorithmics group, we aim to design, and understand the fundamental properties of, planning and coordination algorithms for intelligent decision making in real world applications, such as for predictive maintenance scheduling, coordinating electrical loads within network constraints, or logistic processes on a container terminal.
Distributed Systems (DS)
The mission of the Distributed Systems group is to model, design, implement, and analyse distributed systems and algorithms. Its research is fundamental, aimed at the development and evaluation of new generic concepts in systems software, and application-driven, motivated by important application areas, such as e-science, machine learning and online social networks.
Interactive Intelligence (II)
The Interactive Intelligence (II) section focusses on social, intelligent agents. We research the intelligence that underlies and co-evolves during the repeated interactions of human and technology “agents” who cooperate to achieve a joint goal. The research program aims for synergy and social interaction between humans and technology, to empower humans in their social context.
Embedded and Networked Systems (ENS)
The research of Embedded Software concerns the software side of embedded systems, which are characterized by their limited visibility, autonomous operation, real-time activities and constrained resources making software design, implementation, and analysis a challenging and fun task.
Multimedia Computing (MC)
The Multimedia Computing (MMC) Group develops algorithms for enriching, accessing, and searching large quantities of data. Such algorithms lie at the core of tomorrows’ search engines and large-scale recommender systems. The group sets its focus on developing systems that are oriented to the needs of users, and that solve the challenges faced by large-scale online content and service providers.
Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics (PRB)
Pattern recognition is concerned with processing raw measurement data by a computer to arrive at a prediction, which can then be used to formulate a decision or action to take. Problems to which pattern recognition are applied have in common that they are too complex to model explicitly, thus requiring algorithms to learn parameters in generic models from limited sets of examples.
Programming Languages (PL)
The programming languages research program aims at improving the effectiveness and reliability of programming languages and systems. Effectiveness such that programmers can express intent at the right level of abstraction and get actionable feedback that is relevant and timely. Reliability such that programmers can trust the execution and analysis of programs.
Software Engineering (SE)
The research of the Software Engineering (SE) group can be divided into the four main research lines: Search Based Software Engineering, Software Analytics, Software Engineering Education, and Software Testing. The mission of SE is to develop a deep understanding of how people build and evolve software systems.
Cyber Security (CYS)
The Cybersecurity group conducts research into various topics, ranging from cryptography to data analytics, and focuses on improving cybersecurity. We aim to make – in particular the digital – world safer by furthering state-of-the-art computer science theories, algorithms, and implementations.
Networked Systems
The Networked Systems group works on building internet and communication technologies for a performant, sustainable and trustworthy digitalized society. Our research spans from software development, to algorithm/protocol design, to systems engineering, with the aim to push the envelope in internet, 6G, and IoT. Our group comprises four labs, namely on: (1) internet science, (2) network optimization, (3) exreme IoT, and (4) sustainable sensing and communication.
Microwave Sensing, Signals & Systems
Multi-discipline synergy in research, working experience with state-of-the-art wireless systems, involvement in real-life applications and tight collaboration with industrial and academic partners over Europe are good reasons to select our profile in your MSc study.
Electronic Components, Technology and Materials
Multi-disciplinary research on emerging electronic materials, innovative micro/nanostructures and devices, and novel integration concepts to address challenges in the most relevant societal areas: Health and Environment. The research spans from basic ideas to demonstrators and it is carried out in close collaboration with industry, and internationally highly recognized.
Electronic Instrumentation
The Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory is a world leader in the field of Smart Sensors: we link computing systems to the world around us by developing sensors and circuits for applications such as environmental monitoring, smart cars and medical imaging.
Tera-Hertz Sensing
In the Terahertz Sensing Group, we focus our research on the fields of applied electromagnetics, antennas, optics and sensor systems for space. By combining both analysis and design developments, we aim at advancing the field of wireless technology beyond the current state of the art, to enable applications like deep-space investigation, super-resolution radars and ultra-fast wireless communication.
The Electronic Research Laboratory (ELCA) is the place where: analogue, mixed-signal, digital, RF, mm-wave, electronic (IC) design and characterization, as well as, signal processing, all comes together. This in a quest to create the new functionalities of tomorrow and to reach higher performance levels in: communication (e.g. IOT and 5G), car radar / sensing, space and navigation systems.
Systems and Control (ME)
The Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) coordinates the education and research activities in systems and control at the Delft University of Technology, in the Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE). DCSC has been established in 2003 by merging the systems and control groups of Electrical Engineering (EWI), Mechanical Engineering (3mE), and Applied Physics (TNW).
In the Section Bioelectronics, we invent, design and teach biosensors, bio-micro-electromechanical systems (bio-MEMS), electrodes, micro-system integration, microfabrication, biomedical circuits and systems, and biocomputing for interaction with the electrophysiology of cells, tissues, organs and the human body, by means of electrical, magnetic, optical and ultrasound stimulation and recording or sensing, for in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo medical and clinical applications. In short, we invent, design and teach electroceuticals, also known as bioelectronics medicine.
Network Architectures and Services
Networks are everywhere! NAS studies, designs, manages and controls complex networks such as infrastructural networks (telecommunication networks, power grids, transportation,...) as well as social, human contact and human brain networks.
Circuits and Systems
CAS is all about Signal Processing! If you are interested in theory or applications of signals & systems (including biomedical signals and machine learning), wireless communication, wavefield image formation (MRI and ultrasound), or high-level digital system design, then you have come to the right place.
Computer Engineering
CE invents, designs and demonstrates advanced computer architectures (such as big-data accelerators) as well as alternative computing architectures beyond Von-Neumann (e.g., computation-in-memory, neuromorphic computing) in the light of emerging devices (e.g., memristors, graphene, spin wave technology). This has been done in close collaboration with leading worldwide companies and research institutes (e.g., IBM, ARM, IMEC, RWTH, ETHZ).
Combined group Quantum Circuits Architectures and Technology: QIT, QCA and AQUA
Quantum computers promise to solve problems that are intractable even for the most powerful supercomputers. In the Q&CE department, together with leading scientists and companies, such as Intel, we work to transform current quantum-computer prototypes from a mere scientific curiosity to the large-scale machines able to address world-changing problems. To that end, we fabricate advanced quantum materials and device, design and validate cryogenic integrated circuits operating close to the absolute zero, and devise the computer architectures necessary for future quantum computers.
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Theoretical research in the Terhal group is focused on various aspects of quantum computing from a theoretical physics perspective. A current emphasis lies on possible hardware realizations of quantum error correction in superconducting qubits (collaboration with DiCarlo group) and research in the accurate modeling of superconducting hardware more broadly (circuit-QED). We also work on QEC for NV centers in diamond in collaboration with Taminiau group and QEC on spin qubits. Besides a focus on hardware, a current research theme in the group is the quantum computational power of sign-free, stoquastic, Hamiltonians. As theorists, we are interested in solving any math problem as it appears in quantum computing research.
Quantum Communications Lab
Within the Algorithmics group, we aim to design, and understand the fundamental properties of, planning and coordination algorithms for intelligent decision making in real world applications, such as for predictive maintenance scheduling, coordinating electrical loads within network constraints, or logistic processes on a container terminal.
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Intelligent Electrical Power Grids
The digital transformation promises to make energy flexible, clean, peer-to-peer, bottom-up, democratic, sustainable, fair, and resilient. The "intelligent electrical power grids" group creates the technology and the knowledge to make that promise come true.eading worldwide companies and research institutes (e.g., IBM, ARM, IMEC, RWTH, ETHZ).
Photovoltaic Materials and Devices (PVMD)
At the PVMD group of Tu Delft, we deploy X-Integrated PV systems providing green electricity for the sustainable electrification of society with innovations from solar energy materials, hybrid tandem devices and smart multi-functional PV modules. Join us to shape up a sustainable future electricity system in which PV is everywhere!
DC Systems, Energy Conversion & Storage
The 'DC Systems, Energy Conversion & Storage' group creates technology and knowledge to facilitate and solve challenges in energy transition such as electric mobility (charging of electric vehicles), renewable energy and storage integration in the systems (grids, car, ship, aircraft), design of power electronics based components and systems for DC microgrids and high voltage components and systems.
Solar Energy
Check out the latest MSc thesis project proposals by clicking the link below.
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Applied Probablity
In the section Applied Probability, we cover a large spectrum of research areas in probability theory, going from very application-driven towards fundamental research. The areas of research include mathematical statistical physics, ergodic theory, fractals, risk and finance.