Academic counsellors
The academic counsellors help students with questions and problems beyond what can be handled administratively. They can be called upon for anything related to the study, living and working conditions of students. The academic counsellors can provide guidance and advice tailored to your personal situation, and help to make up for study delays as much as possible. See the bottom of the page for a list of topics you can discuss with the academic counsellors.
You may email us at any time. We try to have your question answered within several working days. Email us at
In addition, you can reach us as follows.
Come to the open office hour for short questions(5-10 minutes) focusing on information provision.
You can receive brief advice to get you started or be referred elsewhere in the organisation.The open office hour hour usually takes place from 12:45 to 13:45 in BG+.East.050-070-090 on:
- Tuesdays for both BSc and MSc students
- Wednesday for MSc students
- Thursday for BSc students
If you think your question will take longer than 10 minutes, you can email us to make an appointment.
Up-to-date information about the open office hour can be found on Brightspace ('Students Architecture and the Built Environment').
If you think your question will take longer than 5 to 10 minutes, please make an appointment by emailing:
During an appointment, a academic counsellor can take about half an hour for you. Of course, a follow-up interview may be scheduled.
When you make an appointment, briefly state your question, your name, student number and which semester you are in. Once you have had contact with 1 of the counsellors, it is helpful to keep in touch with the same academic counsellor for subsequent questions.
We advise in cases such as:
- Study choice, doubts about your study choice, changing studies
- Special circumstances and force majeure (illness, accident, disability, psychological problems, problems at home)
- Study planning
- Honours Programme, extra courses
- Study financing
- Study delay
- Requests to the Examination Board
- Contacts with teachers and graduation supervisors
Among other things, we provide individual counseling for problems with:
- Study motivation
- Function limitation, chronic illness
- Stress, fear of failure, study discipline
- Study choice
- Graduation
- Adjustment to student life
- Adaptation to the Dutch language and circumstances
We can refer to, among others:
- Academic counsellors for legal and financial issues and studying with a disability
- Student psychologists for study-related psychological problems and training in social skills, assertiveness and constructive thinking.
- Student doctors for RSI, vaccinations and medical certificates
- Study choice and career advisors for study (re)choice and career advice
- Academic counsellors elsewhere, family physician, outside experts
We should be consulted at:
- At the time of online education: requests for a faculty study place due to personal/special circumstances
- Requests for financial support to compensate for study delay due to special circumstances
- Requests for postponement of binding study advice
- Study progress statements within the framework of the Modern Migration Policy Act
- Practicing top-class sports in combination with following your studies
Report personal circumstances as soon as possible
Academic counsellors
The academic counsellors for the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are:
- Ellen Sakkers, academic counsellor MSc
Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - Milka van der Valk Bouman, academic counsellor BSc & MSc
Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - Nyanza van Oosterhout, academic counsellor BSc
Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings - Rowan Hulskamp, academic counsellor BSc
Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - Sean Vink, academic counsellor MSc
Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - Sylvia van Opdorp, academic counsellor BSc & MSc
Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
UNLOCKING... BK Students - Inspirational stories
Do you think failure is not an option? Do you feel like you are the only one struggling? Do you question yourself who you are among all these talented people?
These are examples of interview questions that 9 students from the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment answered in front of the camera. In this unique video series, these students talk about how they navigate through times of performance pressure, high expectations and different insecurities. After all, being a student is more than studying.
Find out which story will inspire you the most. To do so, watch the videos.
Laura, Eliott & Anaëlle

Rhianne & Gijs

Yara & Amani

Marit & TJ