Upcoming Events
AccessAbility Week 2025
Did you know that over 13 percent of the TU Delft student population have support needs due to disabilities, chronic illnesses or neurodivergence? This can impact their studies. In 2018, TU Delft signed the declaration of intent for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, committing to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for everyone. We are aware that this is a work in progress.
From Tuesday, 25 March to Tuesday, 1 April, Horizon and Studable Delft are organising the AccessAbility Week 2025, themed "Inclusion in Action: From Awareness to Change." This week, spanning two calendar weeks, symbolises the flexibility and ongoing effort required for studying with a disability, chronic condition, or neurodivergence.
We warmly invite all TU Delft staff and students to participate in the various activities, such as lunch talks, workshops and a photo exhibition. Discover personal stories, learn about the support TU Delft offers, and find out how you can contribute to accessible and inclusive education. Together, we can transform TU Delft into a place where everyone has equal opportunities and feels welcome. Your involvement makes the difference!
Directly register for (one of) the events here.
Stay tuned! EDIT is planning more events in this academic year 2025 - 2026
Past Events
Master Class Inclusive Education
This master class is organised in the light of both the Towards Open Inclusive STEM Education project and the Kick Start Your Teaching Program. Everyone involved in education at TU Delft can join!
You can find information and registration via: https://www.aanmelder.nl/161438/home
Looking back!
On January 28, 2025, in collaboration with Shirley De Wit and other experts, educators and experts came together to discuss diversity and inclusion in education. The session commenced with an overview of inclusive education principles, followed by participants selecting focus areas: Gender, Culture, or Neurodiversity. In these sub-groups, attendees engaged in in-depth discussions, experienced virtual reality simulations, and collaboratively refined their teaching materials to be more inclusive.
Reflection: This hands-on session underscored the importance of intentional inclusivity in educational content. Participants not only gained theoretical insights but also applied them practically, transforming their teaching materials to better reflect diverse perspectives. The collaborative atmosphere and expert guidance empowered educators to recognize and address biases, ensuring a more equitable learning experience for all students.
For more information about Towards Open Inclusive STEM Education, check the website here: https://inclusiveeducationtudelft.github.io/InclusiveEducationTUDelft/
How to recognize and support students with ASD
Geachte docent(e) van de faculteit EWI,
Op dinsdagochtend 21 januari 2025 geef ik een workshop voor EWI-docenten over het herkennen en ondersteunen van leerlingen met een Autisme Spectrum stoornis (ASS). Deze studenten hebben vaak extra begeleiding en ondersteuning nodig van docenten en worden meestal ook begeleid door studieadviseurs. In deze workshop wordt aandacht besteed aan:
- De kenmerken van autisme en om aspecten van communicatie met autistische studenten te verdiepen;
- Uitleg geven over aspecten van begeleiding van autistische leerlingen;
- Manieren identificeren om problemen in de communicatie te voorkomen/op te lossen.
De workshop duurt 2 uur van 10.00uur -12.00 uur in de Van Katwijkzaal (HB 08.150) in de hoogbouw. Deze workshop wordt in het Nederlands gegeven. In maart is er nog een workshop in het Engels. Er is plaats voor 14 deelnemers.
Als je interesse hebt om deel te nemen, stuur me dan een e-mail naar aanleiding van deze uitnodiging. (M.M.M.Draijer@tudelft.nl)
Dear lecturer of the Faculty of EEMCS,
On Tuesday morning, January 21, 2025, I will give a workshop for EEMCS teachers on recognising and supporting students with an Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD). These students often need additional guidance and support from lecturers and are usually supervised by study advisors. In this workshop attention is paid to:
- The characteristics of autism and to deepen aspects of communication with autistic students;
- Explaining aspects of guidance of autistic students;
- Identifying ways to prevent/solve problems in communication.
The workshop will last two hours from 10 am to 12 pm in the high-rise Van Katwijkzaal (HB 08.150). It will be given in Dutch. In March, there will be another workshop in English. There is room for 14 participants.
If you are interested in participating, please send me an email to Monique. (M.M.M.Draijer@tudelft.nl)
Orange The World
Orange the World is the global campaign against violence against women and girls. TU Delft, in cooperation with the core group Orange the World of the Municipality of Delft, will launch the annual campaign by raising the flag in front of the Auditorium on 25 November 2024, the International Day against Violence against Women. This will take place in the presence of Joëlle Gooijer, alderman of the municipality of Delft and Marien van der Meer, Vice President Operations of TU Delft.
The theme of the Orange the World campaign in the Netherlands this year is ‘Safe, everywhere and always’ and runs until 10 December, International Human Rights Day.
After raising the flag, an event will take place in the Auditorium with Tessel ten Zweege, writer, artist and feminist and Jens van Tricht, idealist, feminist and director of Emancipator. They will make us more aware of violence against women and girls and how we can collectively prevent and stop it.
The entire TU community is invited to attend the flag-raising, come to the event and then continue talking to each other over drinks in the Foyer of the Aula.
Language: Dutch with English subtitles
But Girls Just Don't Like Tech
Many girls just don’t like technology, or do they? At TU Delft, 31% of the students and 30% of the staff are women. Increasing these numbers would result in more people who can fill STEM vacancies. Furthermore, research shows that increased diversity results in more productive and innovative products. But why do we have this lack of women in many (but not all) STEM fields? Several societal factors affect the image of STEM professions, self-efficacy and interest development. During this lunch lecture, Shirley de Wit will take you along by explaining the causes, consequences and discussing possible solutions to close the gender gap in STEM.
11:45 Walk-in
12:00 Lecture
12:45 Questions and discussion

Social Safety Initiative Conference
The event is to address Social Safety Issues within TU Delft in cooperation with the Dutch National Government.
Different speakers will provide a holistic insight into the current best practices from their perspective as a student, academic, or management staff member within EEMCS.
The following individuals from the faculty will be speaking (and more to follow!):
- Lucas van Vliet, Dean EEMCS
- Gabriela Nane, Diversity Officer EEMCS
- Pravesha Ramsundersingh, FSC EEMCS Representative of Diversity & Inclusion
AD(H)D Foundation Focus Group: Participants Wanted
Are you a student diagnosed with AD(H)D and you identify yourself as woman? You are welcome to sign up!
Join a one-time 2h focus group session to share your experience with people from TUDelft, EDIT and the AD(H)D in Academia Foundation and get a small reward in return.
- You are a student
- You are diagnosed with AD(H)D
- You identify yourself as woman preferably, but men are also welcome
Building 22 Applied Physics (Lorentzweg 12628 CJ Delft). F 461.2 Conference Room TN
Date and Time:
April 25, 13.00 hrs - 15.00 hrs
For more information or questions please contact the AD(H)D in Academia Foundation at: info@adhdinacademica.com

AccessAbility Week @ TU Delft
AccessAbility Week | Opening Doors Towards Inclusive Education
From 20th/24th of March 2023 Horizon and Student Onbeperkt brings to you - The AccessAbility Week – Opening Doors Towards Inclusive Education
In particular:
Thrusday 23th from 13:30-15:30 in Aula Commissie Kamer 3 and via Zoom here the link
Co-organised by EDIT
Interactive Talk: Neurodiversity at TU Delft: How to facilitate inclusion for neurodivergent students and employees.
Talk by Justin Carrero (Monash University) and pitch ‘Employee Resource Network Neurodiversity at TU Delft’ by Mireille Howard-Snels (Employee TU Delft).
The event is intended for students and employees. You are all cordially welcome to assist!

W+iE x ASML Event on March 22nd
Please mark your calendars for a recruitment event the IEEE Women+ in Engineering affinity group of the faculty (W+iE) is hosting for BSc EE students: ASML will be visiting us on campus on Wednesday, March 22nd.
International Women's Day “Embracing Equity” 10th March 2023
On March 10th, join us on International Women's Day as we come together to celebrate women and their achievements, while also acknowledging the need for equity and inclusion for all.
Time: 10.45 to 12.30
Please use this Registration button to register yourself for the event.
Coffee and treats will be available!

Alice and Eve 2022
18 November 2022
Alice and Eve conducted a free one-day workshop for celebrating women studying and working in computing! The third edition of this workshop was hosted on 18 November 2022 by the Delft University of Technology.