Student for a day

Would you like to know more about a specific MSc programme? Become a ‘student for a day’ and experience the MSc programme yourself. 

'Student for a day' can either be in person or online. The student will tell you everything you want to know about the programme, the faculty and the university. In-person events will take place on campus and you will also get to experience a lecture. Do let us know what type of event you prefer.

Requests to become a ‘student for a day’ are to be send to You can take part in a ‘student for a day’ from November to May. If you have a preference for a specific track/theme make sure to let us know in your email as well as your preference for an on-campus or online meeting. There are no specific requirements to join a student for a day.

Student for a Day is currently available for the following EEMCS MSc programmes

MSc. Applied Mathematics

MSc. Computer and Embedded Systems Engineering

MSc. Computer Science

MSc. Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Technology

MSc. Electrical Engineering

(choose 1 out of 4 tracks)

  • Electrical Power Engineering
  • Microelectronics
  • Signals and Systems
  • Wireless Communication & Sensing

MSc. Sustainable Energy Technology