Delta Expert, Water for the Future


As a “Delta Expert”, you’ll know about what is going on in the field of water studies across the globe. You’ll not only learn about the Dutch Delta Programme, but also about other deltas in the world. You’ll undertake a field trip to neighbouring countries and gain a broad knowledge base. Together with water experts, you’ll study hydraulic structures, water treatment and water resources management from an interdisciplinary perspective. You’ll get to design and build your own measuring sensor that focuses on a typical feature of water, and you’ll finish the minor with a research project of your choice. 

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences

Minor code: CT-MI-166

Language: English

Max. Participants: 35

Non-selection minor: check
Selection minor: check


For whom?

All TU Delft BSc students
National and international students who wish to learn about water issues or specialise in water issues at a later stage

What will you learn

  • Through introductory courses, you’ll learn about a wide variety of disciplines relating to water issues.
  • Through excursions and by talking to experts, you’ll learn about key water-related issues.
  • You’ll learn about measuring water characteristics and will get to make your own measurement device.
  • In the research project, you’ll gain in depth-knowledge on a topic of your choice.


Erik Mostert

Assistant professor

Renske Gelderloos

Renske Gelderloos

Assistant professor

Student experience

"In this minor, you can choose your own research topic. I liked the fact that this was the first time that I did a research project to get results, not a mark. Several experts offered their expertise. I was really lucky that I was able to do research in Zambia and I had the opportunity to publish the results in an article."
Bart van Osnabrugge


  • Do you know how often water has been drunk before you drink it?
  • Do you know why the Dutch river problem lies in Germany?
  • What can we learn from the Mississippi Delta?