Projects Select your theme Open filters 1 Million Homes Architecture Architectural Engineering and Technology Circular Built Environment Management in the Built Environment Urbanism Research Stories Duurzame Verstedelijking Healthy Cities Erfgoed met toekomstwaarde Digitalisering en kunstmatige intelligentie Klimaatadaptatie en energietransitie Palm Weaving PerpetuAL PortCityFutures REPAiR REsource management in peri-urban areas - Going beyond urban metabolism. RE_DWELL Delivering affordable and sustainable housing in Europe. Ranking cities around the North Sea Rapid Response COVID-19 technical helpdesk Re3 Glass RePortFlows New policies for safer and more sustainable port cities. Respectful renovation The ‘Respectful Renovation’ research project focuses on the renovation of homes built between 1965 and 1985. The research aim is to develop values-based renovation models for the ‘Post-65’ housing stock (i.e. built after 1965) that is not generally recognised as valuable architecture. SPACERGY Securing Democratic Society Sky High – Project C2 Smart Campus Tools Smart Urban Isle ... Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 You are on page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Share this page: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Share this page