Research & Innovation

TU Delft has a very well established and extensive set of valorisation services targeting all stages of innovation and impact. From inspiration and collaboration with industrial and societal partners, talent development, incubation and growth of new start-up companies to prototyping and testing in real-life.

Expert programmes

The Innovation & Impact Centre of TU Delft operates a number of expert programmes to assists staff and students to bring innovations to the market. Interacting with innovative stakeholders is streamlined through a multifaceted approach, including:

  • X!Delft: long-term innovation partnerships with anchor companies in the Dutch innovation-ecosystem.
  • Delft Enterprises: participation in innovative, early stage and technology based spin-off companies of TU Delft, including AI and other deep tech companies.
  • YES!Delft: incubator, incubation and acceleration programmes specifically targeting AI.
  • Field labs: practical environments where ideas are developed, tested and implemented:
    logo Robo House logo SAM XL logo mobility innovatiln centre delft logo digicampus logo doiot fieldlab
  • Delft Centre of Entrepreneurship: talent services and entrepreneural education.
  • MOOCs and target education for professionals, online and offline.

Creating real-world impact

TU Delft offers a multi-faceted approach supporting researchers and external innovation stakeholders, such as companies, investors, health care providers, entrepreneurs, government bodies and societal organisations, to jointly spot opportunities for collaboration and create real-world impact.
