Offshore Wind Energy Minor


Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources. The sector is currently expanding fast offshore, through the installation of large offshore wind farms. The demand for wind energy professionals with a technical, economic and management background, and for specialists who also have a broad understanding of the sector, is huge.

This minor is an opportunity for students to explore this new branch of the wind industry, and to acquire an in-depth understanding of the technical, financial and political aspects of offshore wind energy. The courses focus on the link between developing new technology and the relationship with the social context.

For whom?

The courses are aimed at Bachelor’s students at TU Delft from AE, ME, EWI, TNW, CEG, and TBM. The minor is also an interesting option for students from outside TU Delft with the necessary prior knowledge: basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and mechanical engineering.

What will you learn?

After completing the minor, students will:

  1. have knowledge of the technological aspects of offshore wind energy to supplement their own study programme, and more specifically of the production and transport of (sustainable) electricity.
  2. be able to place the latest technological developments regarding (offshore) wind energy, smart grids and energy markets in a social context.

Course Overview

The Minor (30 EC) is composed of the following courses:

  • Fundamentals of wind energy I (AE, 3 EC)
  • Fundamentals of wind energy II (AE, 3 EC)
  • Basics of aeroacoustics for wind energy (AE, 3 EC)
  • Project management basics (CT, 5 EC)
  • Asset management (AE, 5 EC)
  • Integration assignment (AE, 6 EC)
  • Introduction to energy systems (TPM, 5 EC)

The minor code is LR-Mi-176-year

Register for this minor

The registration for a minor takes place via OSIRIS. For more information about registration and application click below.