The ELLIS Unit Delft is a network of machine learning researchers at TU Delft, and a part of the European ELLIS Network. The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) was founded in 2018 to create a diverse European network that promotes research excellence and advances breakthroughs in AI, as well as a pan-European PhD program to educate the next generation of AI researchers.
The mission of the ELLIS Unit Delft is to create positive impact both in the academic discipline of machine learning, as well as on society.
Building a Machine Learning Community
The ELLIS Unit Delft regularly hosts events on campus, such as our monthly Machine Learning Insights Seminars. Published ELLIS events are free and open to anyone interested in state-of-the-art developments in the fundamentals of machine learning, including researchers of all levels from TU Delft and other institutions. Our community is centred around exchange and interaction; we encourage participation and hope to see you at a future event!
Subscribe to our ELLIS Delft mailing list or the AI Initiative's weekly AI Update to hear about upcoming events and news.

Frans A. Oliehoek
Co-director ELLIS Delft | ELLIS Fellow
Interactive learning and decision making, reinforcement-learning, planning and causal models, multiagent learning