Brazil, China, India Collaborations
The TU Delft’s mission to make impact for society and address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) inspires our collaboration with partners in Brazil, China and India. These strong thematic partnership relations in Brazil, India and China connect the University community both internally and externally and underpin TU Delft’s international profile. Linking the bottom-up interest of researchers and the strategic priorities of the TU Delft, the program provides access to unique research contexts and a deeper understanding of how to mutually add value and contribute to the SDGs.
When entering into partnerships, TU Delft will always keep an eye on knowledge security risks, such as unwanted knowledge transfer, collusive influence or violation of human rights.
For more information, please see the TU Delft Global Engagement Framework 2018-2024.
Collaborations with counterparts in Brazil, China and India cover a broad range of Sustainable Development Goals including SDGs:

World-class higher education and science cannot do without international collaboration and global scientific talent. The prominent position and good academic reputation of TU Delft and other Dutch knowledge institutions are fed and nurtured by academic freedom, freedom of movement of students and academics, and the openness of our knowledge institutions to the world.
At the same time, global developments are affecting universities. Acquiring (high-quality) knowledge is one of state actor’s strategic objectives, for example for economic or military reasons. When state actors actively try to acquire such knowledge, it may undermine Dutch and European interests. Therefore the TU Delft has launched a knowledge security program, led by Program Director Peter Weijland.

University Ambassador Brazil
Professor Patricia Osseweijer
Biotechnology & Society

TU Delft Delegate China Academic Relation
Professor Daan van Eijk
Applied Ergonomics & Design

University Ambassador India
Professor Jenny Dankelman
Biomechancial Engineering