A DEI Perspective on Future Skills for Engineers and Scientists

Nieuws - 30 januari 2025

On the 6th of November, Work Package "Future Skills for Engineers and Scientists" (WP4), led by TU Delft, hosted a joint workshop with Work Package “Diversity, Impact and Dissemination” (WP10), led by RWTH Aachen. The aim was to explore how Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) can inform and shape the competencies that engineers and scientists will need in the future.

WP4 recently published the Future Competencies Report (see Update from the Future Skills Work Package in our previous newsletter), which includes a taxonomy of competencies and challenges based on desk research and interviews. The aim of this joint workshop was to integrate these findings with a DEI perspective, thus re-contextualising the research to address tomorrow's challenges.), which includes a taxonomy of competencies and challenges based on desk research and interviews. The aim of this joint workshop was to integrate these findings with a DEI perspective, thus re-contextualising the research to address tomorrow's challenges.

During the workshop, WP10 participants identified key competencies that are critical for a more inclusive future. Ethics, empathy, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, curiosity, creativity, and adaptability emerged as essential. A SWOT analysis was then conducted by WP10 members to explore the future challenges identified in the WP4 research, with a renewed focus on providing a DEI perspective on possible opportunities that could arise from these.

A reflective discussion highlighted the need to think beyond individual competencies, emphasising collective efforts to solve complex problems. Participants emphasised the importance of appreciating other academic disciplines and gaining real-world experience to understand what needs to be fixed and where to focus efforts. You can read more about the workshop here.