Dr Karl-Heinz Wolf passed away
It is with great sadness that we inform you that our colleague Karl-Heinz Wolf passed away February 28th, 2025. Dr Karl-Heinz Wolf started his career at TU Delft more than 40 years ago. Since 2007 he was associate professor in petrophysics and from 2011 to 2019 director of the Geoscience and Engineering Laboratory. In this position, he could oversee and direct the laboratory, field work, and educational projects for all sections in the department of Geoscience and Engineering.
Karl-Heinz worked on the interfaces of geology, geophysics and reservoir engineering, and always included environmental and societal aspects in his research projects. He also was one of the initiators of the geothermal well on campus, and we are happy that he could see this project turning into a working system last year. Above all, his heart was with the students. He was an enthusiastic storyteller, lecturer, social worker, and supervisor from bachelor students to PhD candidates and postdocs. His kindness, generosity, and passion for his field and his students were exemplary. He retired only last August and stayed on to teach two of his favourite courses for one more year. Unfortunately, Karl-Heinz could not finish what he had set out to do.
Karl-Heinz will be greatly missed as a well-respected colleague, and we wish his family and friends strength with their loss.
Evert Slob - Section head Applied Geophysics & Petrophysics
Timo Heimovaara - Department chair Geoscience & Engineering
Stefan Aarninkhof - Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences