
Turnitin is a tool to check plagiarism that is integrated within Brightspace Assignments. Students can submit their written assignments through Brightspace Assignments. When setting up an Assignment, you can enable Turnitin to check submissions for plagiarism. 

Turnitin is our new plagiarism detection tool and has replaced Ouriginal as of the 2024/25 school year. It is no longer possible to download similarity reports from Ouriginal. Contact Teaching-Support@tudelft.nl if you have any questions or concerns.

Use of Turnitin in Assignments consists of two parts:

  • Activate Turnitin in your Assignment.
  • Interpret the Similarity Report.

Once Turnitin is activated in Brightspace Assignments, students can upload Assignments for similarity checking. Students can also view their Similarity Report if the option is enabled. 

The maximum file size for uploading to Turnitin is 100MB. If you need to upload a larger document, like a PhD thesis, break up the document into chapters or parts no larger than the maximum file size.

Set up Turnitin

Interpret the Similarity Report

Turnitin Quick Submit for Teaching Staff

Turnitin Quick Submit is a tool for teaching staff to be able to use the TurnitIn without having to set up Turnitin within a Brightspace Course. This can be helpful when only one or two documents need to be submitted. However, if you are dealing with a large number of Assignments, it is advised to set up the Turnitin tool within your own Brightspace Course to avoid having to upload the Assignments one-by-one.

It can take up to fifteen minutes to see the Similarity Report after uploading the Assignment. Afterwards the report can be viewed by selecting Assignments and going to Turnitin Quick Submit.

Access to Quick Submit

All teaching staff with a TU Delft employee account ('@tudelft.nl' instead of '@student.tudelft.nl') can gain access to the 'Turnitin Quick Submit for Teaching Staff' Course.

  1. Go to the Catalog via the Brightspace Homepage.
  2. Search for Turnitin Quick Submit for Teaching Staff.
  3. Select Request Approval.
  4. Approval can be given manually by Teaching Support; this can take one business day.

When encountering problems please contact Teaching Support.