Prof.dr. V. (Volker) Grewe
Prof.dr. V. (Volker) Grewe
Multi-model assessment of the atmospheric and radiative effects of supersonic transport aircraft
J.A. van 't Hoff / Didier Hauglustaine / Johannes Pletzer / Agnieszka Skowron / Volker Grewe / Sigrun Matthes / Maximilian M. Meuser / Robin N. Thor / Irene C. Dedoussi
A multi-method assessment of the regional sensitivities between flight altitude and short-term O3 climate warming from aircraft NOx emissions
J. Maruhashi / M. Mertens / V. Grewe / I.C. Dedoussi
Alternative climate metrics to the Global Warming Potential are more suitable for assessing aviation non-CO2 effects
Liam Megill / Kathrin Deck / Volker Grewe
Decision-making strategies implemented in SolFinder 1.0 to identify eco-efficient aircraft trajectories
Application study in AirTraf 3.0
Federica Castino / Feijia Yin / Volker Grewe / Hiroshi Yamashita / Sigrun Matthes / Simone Dietmüller / Sabine Baumann / Manuel Soler / Abolfazl Simorgh / More Authors -
Ozone source attribution in polluted European areas during summer 2017 as simulated with MECO(n)
Markus Kilian / V. Grewe / Patrick Jöckel / Astrid Kerkweg / M.B. Mertens / Andreas Zahn / Helmut Ziereis
Der Flugmarkt für Privatjets boomt – der CO₂-Ausstoß leider auch
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Der neue Preis des Fliegens
Verscheen in: Frankfurter Allgemeine SonntagsZeitung
Jin Maruhashi genomineerd voor Best Climate Action Paper 2022
Verscheen in: TU Delft
Volker Grewe in de media 2021
Verscheen in: TU Delft
SESAR JU Awards 2021 - Sustainability Award
The category recognised projects offering multifaceted solutions to reducing ATM’s impact on the environment (noise and emissions), contributing towards making Europe the most environmentally-friendly sky to fly in the world.
The winning project, Flying Air Traffic Management for the benefit of environment and climate - FlyATM4E, is developing a concept to identify climate-optimised aircraft trajectories, which enable a robust and eco-efficient reduction in aviation’s climate impact. Climate optimisation will consider CO2 and non-CO2 effects, such as contrails and contrail-cirrus, water vapour, NOx and particulate emissions.