Prof.dr. S.J. (Simon) Watson
Prof.dr. S.J. (Simon) Watson
Public Professional Profiles
He has been involved in many national and international research projects including the UK EPSRC Supergen Wind consortium, two EU Marie Curie ITNs: WAUDIT (wind resource assessment) and AWESOME (wind turbine operations and maintenance), and the present EU X-Rotor and WINDEXT projects.
Prof Watson's area of research expertise are in the areas of:
- Wind energy systems
- Wind climate, past, present and future
- Wind resource assessment
- Wind turbine wakes
- Wind turbine reliability and condition monitoring.
Simon Watson received a B.Sc. in physics from Imperial College, London in 1987 and a Ph.D. from Edinburgh University in 1990. He has been working in the field of wind energy since 1990 and began his career at the Energy Research Unit of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. In 1999, he then moved to what later became Good Energy, a supplier of green electricity to domestic and small commercial customers. In 2001, he was appointed as a senior lecturer at the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology at Loughborough University and in 2010, he was made Professor of Wind Energy. In 2017, he moved to TU Delft to take up the position of Professor of Wind Energy Systems and Director of the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute (DUWIND).
A hybrid Convolutional Autoencoder training algorithm for unsupervised bearing health indicator construction
Ali Eftekhari Milani / Donatella Zappalá / Simon J. Watson
Boosting field data using synthetic SCADA datasets for wind turbine condition monitoring
Ali Eftekhari Milani / Donatella Zappalá / Francesco Castellani / Simon Watson
Design drivers for the storage system of baseload hybrid power plants
J. Iori / M B Zaaijer / D.A. von Terzi / S.J. Watson
Dries Allaerts, 1989–2024
Majid Bastankhah / M. Becker / Matthew Churchfield / Caroline Draxl / Jay Prakash Goit / M.A. Khan / Luis A Martínez-Tossas / J.W. van Wingerden / S.J. Watson / More Authors
Early detection of impact fatigue damage in an adhesively-bonded connection using acoustic emission
S. Khoshmanesh / S. J. Watson / D. Zarouchas
Researchers from Delft University of Technology Discuss Findings in Wind Turbines (New Indicator for Damage Localization In a Thick Adhesive Joint of a Composite Material Used In a Wind Turbine Blade)
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