Prof.dr.ir. R.A.W.M. (Ruud) Henkes
Prof.dr.ir. R.A.W.M. (Ruud) Henkes
Has interest and expertise in: Multiphase Flow, Turbulence, Heat Transfer, Boundary Layers, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Experimental Fluid Flow, Industrial Fluid Flow.
2021 – present: Scientific Director of the JM Burgerscentrum for Fluid Dynamics.
2008 – present: Full professor “Multiphase Flow in Pipelines” at the Department of Process & Energy, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime, and Materials Engineering (3mE), Delft University of Technology.
2018 – present: Principal Technical Expert Fluid Flow at Shell Projects & Technology (Process Engineering Discipline) in Amsterdam.
2001 – 2018: Team Leader Multiphase Flow at Shell Projects & Technology (Discipline Engineering) in Amsterdam.
1997-2001 Multiphase Flow Team at Shell in Amsterdam.
1995 – 1997 Associate Professor Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology.
1993 – 1995 Senior Research Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology)
1990 -1993 Junior Research Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology)
1990 PhD (with honours) Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology
1985 MSc (with honours) Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology
A new temperature evolution equation that enforces thermodynamic vapour–liquid equilibrium in multiphase flows - application to CO2 modelling
Pardeep Kumar / Benjamin Sanderse / Patricio I.Rosen Esquivel / R. A.W.M. Henkes
Entropy-stable model reduction of one-dimensional hyperbolic systems using rational quadratic manifolds
R. B. Klein / B. Sanderse / P. Costa / R. Pecnik / R. A.W.M. Henkes
DNS and RANS for core-annular flow with a turbulent annulus
Haoyu Li / M. J.B.M. Pourquié / G. Ooms / R. A.W.M. Henkes
Energy-stable discretization of the one-dimensional two-fluid model
J. F.H. Buist / B. Sanderse / S. Dubinkina / C. W. Oosterlee / R. A.W.M. Henkes
Energy-consistent formulation of the pressure-free two-fluid model
Jurriaan F.H. Buist / Benjamin Sanderse / Svetlana Dubinkina / Cornelis W. Oosterlee / Ruud A.W.M. Henkes
2023-10-11 - 2025-10-11
Winning van delfstoffen