Prof.dr.ir. M. (Marjan) Popov
Prof.dr.ir. M. (Marjan) Popov
Ongoing Projects:
- Resilient Synchrophasor Grid Protection Platform (NWO ESI-BIDA) (ReSident) (2019-2023)
- Protection of Future Power System Crucial Components (NWO-TTW) (PRoteuS) (2021-2026)
- Technical Performance of Long HVDC Cables (TenneT) (2021-2025)
- Low-Inertia DC System Protection, CSC funding (2020-2024)
- Dynamic HVDC Cable Rating, CSC funding (2022-2026)
- InterOPERA, (European Commission) (2022-2027)
Past projects:
- Power Swing Detection and Prevention in Future Networks with High Penetration of Renewable Energy (NWO Take-off) (2022)
- Massive InteGRATion on Power Electronic Devices (Migrate) (2016-2020)
- Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks (PROMOTioN) (2016-2020)
- PMU Frequency-based Corrective Control of Future Power Systems (NWO-URSES) (2014-2019)
- Impact of Multi-Terminal HVDC grids on Transient Behaviour in Transmission Systems - Modelling and Analysis, CSC funding
- Technical Performance of 380 kV Long Cables (TenneT research program) (2009-2018)
- Transformer resonances (NWO-VENI) (2004-2007)
More information about the current and past and research activities can be found on the web page of the Power System Protection Centre
Marjan Popov obtained his Ph.D. degree in electrical power engineering from the Delft University of Technology in 2002. He is a Chevening Alumnus and, in 1997, he was an Academic Visitor with the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K., working in the Arc Research Group on modeling SF6 circuit breakers. His major fields of interest are in intelligent protection for future power systems, large-scale power system transients, and wide-area monitoring and protection. In 2010, he received the Dutch Hidde Nijland Prize for extraordinary research achievements. He was the recipient of the IEEE PES Prize Paper Award and IEEE Switchgear Committee Award in 2011. He is also an Associate Editor for Elsevier’s International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. In 2017, together with the Dutch utilities TenneT, Alliander, and Stedin, he founded the Dutch Power System Protection Centre to promote research and education in power system protection. He is a member of Cigre and an IEEE Fellow.
Power System Transient Analysis, Power System AC and DC Protection, Wide Area Monitoring and Protection, Fault Analysis, Protective Relay Modeling, Fault Locators and Fault Analysis, Circuit Breaker modeling, and Arc Interaction, Control Islanding of Power Systems, Real-Time modeling and testing, Disturbance Detection and Classification
Power System Protection, Power System Transient Phenomena, Wide Area Modeling and Protetction, Real-time protection testing and concepts, System Integrity Protection Schemes, Control Islanding of Power Systems
Developing grid-forming converter controller DLL for real-time HIL simulations
Utkarsh Singh / Ravi Singh / Marjan Popov / Aleksandra Lekić
Enhanced Modelling and Parameter Determination of HVDC Cables Using Practice-Oriented Methodology
T.R. Karmokar / M. Popov
Influence of Control and Limiter Schemes on Sequence-Domain Fault Models of Grid-Forming Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generators
Soham Chakraborty / Sarasij Das / Utkarsh Singh / Aleksandra Lekić / Ravi Singh / Jose De Jesus Chavez / Marjan Popov
Multi-Winding Power Transformer Modeling for Fast-Front Transients
F. Nasirpour / Tianming Luo / Mohamad Ghaffarian Niasar / Marjan Popov
Non-unit protection method for boundary-component-free MTDC systems using normalized backward traveling waves
Fan Xie / Le Liu / Zhiguo Hao / Ting Wang / Songhao Yang / Aleksandra Lekić / Marjan Popov
Educator of the year for the M.Sc of Electrical Engineering
IEEE Fellow
IEEE PES Prize Paper Award
M. Popov, R. Smeets, L. van der Sluis, H. de Herdt and J. Declercq, "Experimental and theoretical analysis of vacuum circuit breaker prestrike effect on a transformer," 2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, AB, 2009, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/PES.2009.5275914.
IEEE Switchgear Committee Award
M. Popov, R. Smeets, L. van der Sluis, H. de Herdt and J. Declercq, "Experimental and theoretical analysis of vacuum circuit breaker prestrike effect on a transformer," 2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, AB, 2009, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/PES.2009.5275914.
Hidde Nijland Prize
2025-01-28 - 2027-01-28
2025-01-27 - 2027-01-27
2025-02-03 - 2027-02-03