M.G. Elsinga M.G. Elsinga



Marja Elsinga is holding a chair in Housing Institutions & Governance at the Delft University of Technology (TUD). She is leading the research group on Housing Governance at the faculty of Architecture and supervising six PhD-students on the following topics: urban renewal networks and housing associations in UK and the Netherlands, housing regimes in South Korea and the Netherlands, low income condominium governance in Quito and Bogota, housing and housing careers in China, governance and management of public housing in Ghana, home ownership and risk indicators. She is teaching at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of TUD and at the East China Normal University where she is appointed as a visiting professor.

Marja is an expert in comparative housing research and has years of experience in leading international and interdisciplinary teams. She was work package leader in several comparative research projects. She has experience in developing designs for comparative qualitative research4 and also in bringing together results of quantitative and qualitative analysis.

She has more than 20 years of experience in contract research for the European Commission, Dutch central and local governments, housing associations and lenders. She is able to translate scientific results into policy relevant recommendations and to translate current societal developments into scientific research questions. Therefore she has several positions on boards and expert teams in the field of housing relating to welfare (Board of Experts Assessment Housing Associations, Task Force Releasing Housing Equity, Board Union of Tenants).

Marja has written many journal articles, book chapters and books on themes linked to housing and welfare: housing policy, affordable housing, the role of housing wealth, social housing and low income home ownership. She is Editor in Chief of the Dutch Journal for Housing, Associate Editor in Chief of International Encyclopedia of Housing & Home and editor of Current Urban Studies.

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  • 2024

    Best Short Film Award - Venice Architecture Film Festival 2024

    The short film 'When I Came to Your Door', developed as part of the Addis Ababa Living Lab research project, won the Best Short Film Award at the Venice Architecture Film Festival of 2024.

    The movie follows a woman searching for her partner among the ruins of a neighbourhood in Addis Ababa, caught in the waves of forced evictions sweeping through the city’s informal settlements. Inspired by a love letter found on site, When I Came to Your Door captures real images from one of the most recent demolitions that displace low-income communities to make way for large-scale urban projects in a rapidly expanding city.

    Directed by Antonio Paoletti and co-produced with Frederique van Andel and Marja Elsinga, the film features music by Francesco Cameli and stars Meaza Fekadu Shinato, a young Ethiopian woman from the informal settlement depicted in the film.
