Prof.dr.ir. M.A. (Machteld) van den Broek
Prof.dr.ir. M.A. (Machteld) van den Broek
My research at TU Delft is dedicated to facilitate the energy transition process. I investigate this process from a system perspective with a sharp eye for detail. I am especially interested in solutions to effectively enhance energy system integration including sector-coupling, integration of renewables, and infrastructure development. My expertise ranges from long term investment planning of supply, transport, and storage to short term strategies to balance the energy system, and how this can facilitated by policy.
My chair in Energy System Integration is funded by Eneco.
Analysing the prospects of grid-connected green hydrogen production in predominantly fossil-based countries – A case study of South Africa
Rebeka Béres / Ndamulelo Mararakanye / Christina Auret / Bernard Bekker / Machteld van den Broek
Assessing the feasibility of CO2 removal strategies in achieving climate-neutral power systems
Insights from biomass, CO2 capture, and direct air capture in Europe
Rebeka Béres / Martin Junginger / Machteld van den Broek -
The climatological renewable energy deviation index (credi)
Laurens P. Stoop / Karin Van Der Wiel / William Zappa / Arno Haverkamp / Ad J. Feelders / M.A. van den Broek
The impact of decarbonising the iron and steel industry on European power and hydrogen systems
Annika Boldrini / Derck Koolen / Wina Crijns-Graus / Machteld van den Broek
The impact of national policies on Europe-wide power system transition towards net-zero 2050
Rebeka Béres / Auke van der Wel / Amir Fattahi / Machteld van den Broek
Onderwijs 2024
2023-10-02 - 2025-09-30
2023-10-01 - 2025-09-30