Prof.dr.ir. L.A. (Lóri) Tavasszy
Prof.dr.ir. L.A. (Lóri) Tavasszy
Lóránt Tavasszy (1967) is full professor in Freight Transport & Logistics at the Delft University of Technology. He studied Civil Engineering and completed his PhD research in 1996 on multimodal freight transport models for Europe. Between 1996 and 2016, he worked with the Dutch national research institute TNO as researcher, manager and principal scientist and held part time chairs at the University of Nijmegen and TU Delft. His research involves freight transportation modelling at urban, national and global level. Within the TU Delft, he leads the Freight & Logistics lab, which brings together researchers from 6 Faculties. Professor Tavasszy currently chairs the Scientific Committee of the World Conference for Transport Research Society (WCTRS) and is involved in several national and international professional committees, including the Sustainability Task Group of the EU Technology Platform ALICE, a national scientific advisory group on Freight Corridors and two committees working on freight transportation of the Transportation Research Board.
an empirical model for the simulation of freight policies
Michiel de Bok / Sebastiaan Thoen / Larissa Eggers / Ioanna Kourounioti / Lorant Tavasszy -
Optimizing demand-responsive IoT-based waste collection services
a two-step clustering technique
Sofia Giasoumi / Gonçalo Correia / M.A. de Bok / Lorant Tavasszy / Jos Streng / Daan van den Elzen -
The hierarchical multimodal hub location problem for cross-border logistics networks considering multiple capacity levels, congestion and economies of scale
Zhenjie Wang / Dezhi Zhang / Lóránt Tavasszy / Stefano Fazi
A data-to-value framework for freight ITS
Insights from a living lab
Ratnaji Vanga / Nagasubramanian Thiyagarajan / Sarah Gelper / Yousef Maknoon / Mark B. Duinkerken / Lóránt A. Tavasszy -
A simulation study of the impacts of micro-hub scenarios for city logistics in Rotterdam
Michiel de Bok / Sofia Giasoumi / Lori Tavasszy / Sebastiaan Thoen / Ali Nadi / Jos Streng
Best Practice Ready Paper
Price in recognition of an outstanding paper in freight transportation planning and logistics area submitted to the 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) -
Maritime Economics & Logistics-Palgrave-MacMillan-Springer Best Paper Award
Best paper award for the paper "Performance improvement of maritime container terminals through the bottleneck mitigation cycle"
Best Research Paper Award
In Recognition for the 2021 Transportation Research Board Paper that best advances the discussion of urban freight movement with emission-free city logistics
Best Paper Award - Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen
Best Paper Award, 25e Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen (VLW), 15 en 16 november 2018, Kasteel Vaalserbroek in Vaals
2024-10-17 - 2025-10-17