Prof.dr.ir. J.T. (Johan) Padding
Prof.dr.ir. J.T. (Johan) Padding
Johan does fundamental research in multiphase flows, mesoscale transport phenomena, soft matter, rheology, and heterogeneous catalysis, with applications in the fields of chemical conversions in fluidised beds, spray drying, crystallisation, and chemical reactor design, including electrochemical conversion.
Academische achtergrond
Johan Padding (1975) is full professor and chair of Complex Fluid Processing in the Department of Process and Energy (P&E) of Delft University of Technology. He has an MSc in applied physics and a PhD in chemical physics from University of Twente, focusing on microscale and mesoscale simulations of soft matter. After several postdocs in Cambridge (UK), Twente (NL) and Louvain-la-Neuve (BE), Johan got a tenured position at Eindhoven University of Technology in 2011 where he shifted his attention to larger scale multiphase flows. He moved to Delft University of Technology in 2016.
Comparative energy analysis of hydrogen carriers as energy source on ships
Erin S. van Rheenen / Johan T. Padding / Austin A. Kana / Klaas Visser
Imaging local pH in boundary layers at 3D electrodes in electrochemical flow systems
Nathalie E.G. Ligthart / Julius Sommer / Jorrit Bleeker / Lorenz M. Baumgartner / Johan T. Padding / David A. Vermaas
Optimization of operational parameters in the mechanochemical regeneration of sodium borohydride (NaBH4)
Santiago Garrido Nuñez / Dingena L. Schott / Johan T. Padding
20-Fold Increased Limiting Currents in Oxygen Reduction with Cu-tmpa by Replacing Flow-By with Flow-Through Electrodes
Nathalie E.G. Ligthart / Phebe H. van Langevelde / Johan T. Padding / Dennis G.H. Hetterscheid / David A. Vermaas
A 0D Model for the Comparative Analysis of Hydrogen Carriers in Ship’s Integrated Energy Systems
E.S. Van Rheenen / J.T. Padding / K. Visser
2023-07-20 - 2025-07-19
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