Ir. J.A. Kuijper
Ir. J.A. Kuijper
Joran Kuijper (1987) graduated in 2014 at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. Currently he is involved in Delft as a lecturer and researcher in the group of Architectural Design Crossovers. Within the academic environment he has been member of several editorial teams, as for example in 2012 for the international conference ‘New Urban Configurations’. He is a tutor in Bachelor and Master architectural design studios and is writing his PhD research Learning from Disneyland: Unacknowledged Urban Architectural Features.Publicaties
https://research.tudelft.nl/en/persons/ja-kuijper/publications/New Urban Configurations
Cavallo, R., Komossa, S., Marzot, N. , Berghauser Pont, M., Kuijper, J.
ISBN print 978-1-61499-365-0 ISBN online 978-1-61499-366-7
Urban areas have been caught up in a turbulent process of transformation over the past 50 years and changes have been rapid, with issues such as mobility, nature, water management, energy use and public space featuring prominently. In each Olympic year since 1988, the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology has held an international conference focusing on the connection between research and design, exploring the field of tension between science, technology and art.
This book presents the proceedings of the latest in this series of conferences: New Urban Configurations, held in Delft, the Netherlands, in October 2012 in collaboration with the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF). This edition of the conference discussed the role and critical potential of the architectural project in the transformation process of cities and territories that leads to new urban configurations. The publication contains all 140 accepted papers and a selection of the keynote lectures presented at the conference. The papers have been grouped into five main themes: innovation in building typology; infrastructure and the city; complex urban projects; green spaces, and delta urbanism. Four of these major topics are further divided into several subtopics.
This book will be of interest to everyone involved in designing, building, thinking about as well as managing the urban landscape and territory.
Conference for Artistic and Architectural Research & Collective Evaluation of Design-driven Doctoral Training Programme
City of the Future Graduation Lab
Experiences in Multidisciplinary Education
Educational framework
J.A. Kuijper
Epilogue—Towards a Transdisciplinary Discussion on Future Cities and City Futures
Michal Gath-Morad / I.A. van der Wal / C.B. Veddeler / J.A. Kuijper
Future Cities—City Futures
Emerging Urban Perspectives
2023-11-01 - 2025-11-01
2024-12-18 - 2025-12-17