Dipl.-Math. H. (Havva) Yoldas PhD
Dipl.-Math. H. (Havva) Yoldas PhD
Research interests: Analysis of partial differential equations, kinetic theory, mathematical biology, mathematical modelling.
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/havvayoldas/home
Short CV
- 2022-present: Assistant Professor (permanent contract since 10/2023), Delft University of Technology
- 2021-2022: Postdoc, University of Vienna
- 2019-2021: CNRS Postdoc, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
- 2015-2019: PhD in Mathematics, University of Granada & Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
- 2013-2015: MSc in Mathematical Modelling, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme MATHMODS & MSc in Mathematical Engineering, University of L'Aquila
- 2008-2013: BSc in Mathematics, Boğaziçi University (with one year student exchange programme in Tokyo)
Trend to Equilibrium for Run and Tumble Equations with Non-uniform Tumbling Kernels
Josephine Evans / Havva Yoldas
A cross-diffusion system obtained via (convex) relaxation in the JKO scheme
Romain Ducasse / Filippo Santambrogio / Havva Yoldaş
Concentration in Lotka–Volterra parabolic equations
An asymptotic-preserving scheme
Vincent Calvez / Hélène Hivert / Havva Yoldaş -
On the Asymptotic Behavior of a Run and Tumble Equation for Bacterial Chemotaxis
Josephine Evans / Havva Yoldas
Veni grant AES 2022
EEMCS researcher Havva Yoldaş has received a Veni grant within the Exact and Natural Sciences (ENW) research domain. She received it for her research Mathematical analysis of metastability in complex biological systems (MetaMathBio).
Delft Technology Fellowship
The Delft Technology Fellowship offers high-profile Academic Career Track positions to top female scientists within TU Delft's research areas. A Fellow gets the unique opportunity to shape her own research programme at the top international level, including a start-up grant.
2022-10-03 - 2026-01-30