Dr.ir. H. (Hayo) Hendrikse MSc

Dr.ir. H. (Hayo) Hendrikse MSc


My research, teaching, and valorization activities center around the topics of sea ice and structural dynamics with a main application area the design of support structures for offshore wind turbines. Current focus areas of my research group are: 1) dynamic ice-structure interaction and sea ice loads on structures 2) ice growth and thaw in the context of surface albedo-modification and 3) sea ice dynamics in the presence of wind farms. In recent years we have been mostly active in experimental research, using our newly built cold rooms at the faculty of CEG for small-scale testing, and facilities of our international partners such as the ice basin at Aalto University for scale-model testing and, most recently, the field lab of UNIS on Svalbard for Arctic fieldwork. Major novel contributions to the field that resulted from his work are the development of a new scaling method for ice-structure interaction, the use of real-time hybrid testing in ice, and the experimental demonstration of multi-modal dynamic interaction between ice and structures.

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Academische achtergrond

I obtained my MSc degree in Civil Engineering from TU Delft in 2010 and my PhD degree in 2017 on the topic of ice-induced vibrations. The PhD study was part of the Norwegian center for research-based innovation SAMCoT hosted at NTNU in Trondheim.

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