Prof.dr.ir. E.C. Slob
Prof.dr.ir. E.C. Slob
Estimation of electrical conductivity models using multi-coil rigid-boom electromagnetic induction measurements
Maria Carrizo Mascarell / Dieter Werthmüller / Evert Slob
Integrating electromagnetic induction measurements and electrical resistivity tomography to monitor rainwater lenses in Dutch polders
M. Carrizo / F. Riakhi / E. Slob / D. Werthmüller / B. van Breukelen
Numerical experiment on data assimilation for geothermal doublets using production data and electromagnetic observations
Christiaan Oudshoorn / Dieter Werthmüller / Evert Slob / Denis Voskov
Optimal placement of capacitive electrodes in a borehole for monitoring purposes in geothermal applications
P. Rulff / G. Drijkoningen / M.H. Bortolotti / E. Slob
A deep learning framework based on improved self-supervised learning for ground-penetrating radar tunnel lining inspection
Jian Huang / Xi Yang / Feng Zhou / Xiaofeng Li / Bin Zhou / Song Lu / Sergey Ivashov / Iraklis Giannakis / Fannian Kong / Evert Slob
18 miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar duurzaam gebruik van onze ondergrond
Verscheen in: TU Delft
Op zoek naar het tweede tillenbeest op Oud-Poelgeest: Grondradar scant oude latrine; zoektocht gaat verder
Reginald Fessenden Award
Recipient of the 2020 SEG Reginald Fessenden Award. Evert Slob has contributed key scientific and technological advances in electromagnetic interferometry in a series of papers from 2007 to 2013, although these papers represent only a small selection of his 120-plus publications. What is clear from this body of work is the power of Slob’s basic theoretical understanding and his ability to create entirely novel areas of theory and methodology that were previously beyond the reach of most in academia or industry. Evert Slob also devotes a significant portion of his scientific endeavors to support, engage, and mentor students and postdoctoral scientists.
SEG Annual Meeting
2023-12-01 - 2025-11-30