D.K. (Darinka) Czischke
D.K. (Darinka) Czischke
Publications - peer reviewed
Czischke, D., & Huisman, C.J. (2018, forthcoming). Integration through Collaborative Housing? Dutch Starters and Refugees Forming Self-Managing Communities in Amsterdam. Urban Planning (ISSN: 2183-7635) 2018, Volume 3, Issue 4, DOI: 10.17645/up.vXiX.XXX (Accepted with minor revisions)
Lang, R., Carriou, C., & Czischke, D. (2018, forthcoming). Collaborative housing research (1990 – 2017): A systematic review and thematic analysis of the field. Special issue: Conceptualising Collaborative Housing in Europe. Housing, Theory and Society. (Accepted with minor revisions)
Czischke, D., & van Bortel, G. (2018). An exploration of concepts and polices on ‘affordable housing’ in England, Italy, Poland and The Netherlands. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 1-21.
Czischke, D. (2017). Collaborative housing and housing providers: towards an analytical framework of multi-stakeholder collaboration in housing co-production. International Journal of Housing Policy, 1-27.
Czischke, D. (2014) Social housing and European Community competition law: Implications for EU member states, in Scanlon, K., Whitehead, C.M. and Arrigoitia, M. (Eds.) (2014) Social Housing in Europe. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Mullins, D., Czischke, D. and G. van Bortel (Eds.) (2013) Hybridising Housing Organisations: Meanings, Concepts and Processes of Social Enterprise in Housing. Routledge. Contributed Chapter I ‘Introduction’ and Chapter 2 ‘Conceptualising Social Enterprise in Housing Organisations’
Czischke, D., Mullins, D. and V. Gruis (2012) Conceptualizing social enterprise in housing, in: Special Issue: Social enterprise, Hybridity and Housing Organisations, Housing Studies, Vol. 27, Issue 4.
Mullins, D., Czischke, D. and G. van Bortel (2012) Exploring the Meaning of Hybridity and Social Enterprise in Housing Organisations, in: Special Issue: Social Enterprise, Hybridity and Housing Organisations, Housing Studies, Vol. 27, Issue 4.
Czischke, D. and Taffin, C. (2011) Chapter 9: European policies for social housing funding, in: Houard, N. (Ed.) Social Housing across Europe. La Documentation Française. Paris. [Volume originally published in French under the title: ‘Loger l’Europe; Le logement social dans tous ces États’, contributed to Chapter 9 ‘Les Politiques Européennes de Financement Du Logement Social’.]
Czischke, D. (2009) Managing Social Rental Housing in the EU: A Comparative Study, in: International Journal of Housing Policy, Volume 9, Issue 2 June 2009, pp.121 – 151.
Czischke, D (2007) A Policy Network Perspective on Social Housing Provision in the European Union: The Case of CECODHAS, in: Housing, Theory and Society, Volume 24, Number 1, 2007, pp. 63-87(25)
Czischke, D. y Cereceda, L (2001) Áreas de Manejo y Explotación de Recursos Marinos Bentónicos: Nueva modalidad institucional para el desarrollo sustentable del sector pesquero artesanal, in: Revista Ambiente y Desarrollo (Junio 2001), CIPMA – Centro de Investigación y Planificación del Medio Ambiente. [“Areas of Management and Exploitation of Benthonic Marine Resources: A new institutional modality for the sustainable development of the artisanal fisheries sector”]
Czischke, D. y Garcia, D. (2001) Cooperación ambiental: hacia un concepto que integre filantropía y responsabilidad social, in: Revista Ambiente y Desarrollo, VOL XVII - Nº 1, pp. 82 - 85 , Marzo 2001. CIPMA – Centro de Investigación y Planificación del Medio Ambiente. [“Environmental Cooperation: Towards a concept that integrates Philanthropy and Social Responsibility”]
Publications - books and edited volumes
Czischke, D. (2014). Social Housing Organisations in England and the Netherlands: Between the State, Market and Community. PhD dissertation. Architecture and the Built Environment Series. Delft University of Technology. The Netherlands.
Czischke, D. (2011) Chapter 2: Social Housing Providers in Europe, in: Gruis, V. and Zijlstra, S. (Eds.) Housing Management: Basics of organisation, network and asset management in Dutch housing associations. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Real Estate and Housing
Czischke, D. (Ed.) (2010) Financing Social Housing after the Economic Crisis. Proceedings of the CECODHAS seminar. CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory.
Czischke, D. (Ed.) (2009) Urban Regeneration in Europe: The Place of Social Housing in Integrated Urban Policies. Current Perspectives CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory. Brussels.
Czischke, D. (Ed.) (2009) Welfare Transformation and Demographic Change in Europe: Challenges for the Social Housing Sector. Proceedings of the second colloquium on the future of social housing in the EU. CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory. Brussels.
Czischke, D. (Ed.) (2007) Current Developments in Housing Market and Housing Policies in the EU: Challenges for social housing providers. Proceedings of the first colloquium on the future of social housing in the EU. CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory. Brussels.
Publications - policy and research reports
Czischke, D., Jonauskis, T., Moloney, C.,Scheffler, N. and C. Turcu (2015) Sustainable Regeneration in Urban Areas. URBACT II Capitalisation. URBACT. Paris.
Czischke, D. (2014) What is the role of housing associations in community-led housing? Learning from good practice in Europe. Final Report. DCConsulting. Birmingham.
Czischke, D. (2014) Social Innovation in Housing: Learning from practice across Europe’. Discussion paper commissioned by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).
McFarlane, M., Pearce, J., Ciaglia, A., Czischke, D. and Pattison, B. (2013) Creating the Conditions for New Settlements in England. Building and Social Housing Foundation. Coalville.
Colini, L., Czischke, D., Güntner, S., Tosics, I. and P. Ramsden (2013) Against Divided Cities in Europe. Cities of Tomorrow – Action Today. URBACT II Capitalisation.
Bauer, E., Czischke, D., Hegedüs, J., Pittini, A. and Teller, N. (2011) Study on Social Services of General Interest: Sector Study 'Social Housing'. Commissioned by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission.
Czischke, D. (Ed) (2008 – 2010) Series of Thematic Briefings on Housing in the European Union, CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory. Brussels.
Heino, J., Czischke, D., and M Nikolova (2007) Managing Social Rental Housing in the European Union: Experiences and Innovative Approaches. Final Report. CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory and VVO-PLC. Helsinki.
Czischke, D. and Pittini, A. (2007) Housing Europe 2007: Review of Social, Co-operative Housing in the 27 EU Member States. CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory. Brussels.
Czischke, D. and Nikolova, M. (2007) Social and Health Services of General Interest in the EU. Sector study: Social Housing: Report. Commissioned by the Directorate General for Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission.
Czischke, D., Blomqvist, P. and R. Pinetti (2007) Social Housing and Integration of Immigrants in the European Union: Tools for Social Housing Providers.CECODHAS Exchange Special Edition. Brussels.
Czischke, D. (2005) The role of social housing in social cohesion. Chapter 7 of the Guidelines on Social Housing. UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe): Geneva, New York.
Burdett, D., Travers, T., Czischke, D., Rode, P. and B. Moser (2005) Density and urban neighbourhoods in London. Final Report. London School of Economics and Political Science – Minerva PLC Group.
Publications - book reviews
Czischke, D. (2012) A review of "Urs Jäger, Managing Social Businesses: Mission, Governance, Strategy and Accountability”, in: Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.
Czischke, D. and van Bortel, G. (2008) A Review of: “Choice and the End of Social Housing?” in: International Journal of Housing Policy, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, pp. 441 – 447.
Czischke, D. (2006) A Review of: “Desegregating the City. Ghettos, Enclaves & Inequality”, in: Housing Studies, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp.603 – 612. July 2006.
Spanish & English (bilingual)
French & German (fluent)
Dutch (elementary)
Dr Darinka Czischke is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands). She holds a PhD in Architecture from TU Delft, an MSc (Distinction) in Regional and Urban Planning Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a B.A. in Sociology (First Class Hons) from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
In 2014 Darinka was awarded the Delft Technology Fellowship to establish her own research programme in the field of contemporary collaborative housing approaches.
Darinka’s work focuses on three main research fields:
- Housing policies, management and governance, in particular social and affordable housing in a comparative international perspective.
- Collaborative housing and urban planning: co-production, social innovation, social experimentation and social enterprise in housing and neighbourhoods.
- Socially sustainable urban development and regeneration: urban density, proximity, urban sustainability transitions, liveability.
Darinka has applied organisational, sociological, housing and planning theories to understand the interphase between societal processes, institutions and the built environment. Her recent research focuses on the potential for hybrid organisations to achieve multiple and (often) conflicting objectives in the built environment. She is also interested in new practices and conceptualisations of ‘sustainability’ and co-production in housing and urban regeneration processes. Her work favours a pluralistic epistemological approach and mix-methods, with an emphasis on qualitative, longitudinal and ethnographic methodologies.
Delft Technology Fellowship Delft University of Technology March 2015
Honorary Research Fellow Housing and Communities Group | School of Social Policy | University of Birmingham July 2014
David Butler Grant Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), United Kingdom September 2012 Awarded by the Chartered Institute of Housing (UK) to carry out research to advance the housing profession.
British Chevening Scholarship British Council September 2001 Awarded by the British Council to top young professionals to study a Masters in the United Kingdom
Honour Award Instituto de Sociología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile December 1998 Awarded to the two best graduates in a given year.
Darinka's previous professional experience includes leadership and research management positions in policy and practice oriented not-for-profit organisations: she was Director of World Habitat (formerly, Building and Social Housing Foundation -BSHF) in 2013 and Research Director of the European Social Housing Observatory at CECODHAS Housing Europe from 2004 to 2010. Previously, she was a research associate at the LSE Cities Programme (2002-2004), the Environmental Research and Planning Centre (CIPMA) in Santiago, Chile (1999-2001) and at the Institute of Sociology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (1999). In addition, Darinka worked as expert with the URBACT programme from 2009-2015. She regularly advises and carries out research for local authorities, housing practitioners and international and governmental bodies such as the European Commission, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), European Investment Bank (EIB) and Habitat for Humanity.
Darinka was elected as a member of European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) coordination committee in July 2018, having been an active since 2005. She co-founded and is a joint co-ordinator of the working group 'Collaborative Housing' since 2015. In addition, she served as joint-coordinator of the working group ‘Social Housing: Institutions, Organisations and Governance’ from 2005 to 2013 and of the working group ‘Policy and Research’ (2013-2017). She has taught internationally in the fields of political sociology and housing policy, and is a regular public speaker in policy and professional events in her fields of expertise. Darinka has published widely in books and international peer-reviewed journals (see list of publications, below) and is a reviewer for the International Journal of Housing Policy (IJHP), the Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (JHBE) and Revista INVI (Journal of the Institute for Housing, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile).
Housing cooperatives in Chile
The struggle to re-emerge in a neoliberal context of growing self-management
Darinka Czischke / Javier Ruiz-Tagle / Felipe Valenzuela / Nelson Carroza-Athens / Valentina Cortés-Urra -
Collectieve woonvormen
Samenwerken aan huisvesting door adaptief hergebruik
Darinka Czischke / Gerard van Bortel -
Discovering the Significance of Housing Neighbourhoods by Assessing Their Attributes With a Digital Tool
Lidwine Spoormans / Wessel de Jonge / Darinka Czischke / Ana Pereira Roders
The potential of collaborative housing to tackle the social deficit of housing
The Chilean case
V.A. Cortés Urra / A. Ersoy / D.K. Czischke / V.H. Gruis -
Addressing housing deficits from a multi-dimensional perspective
A review of Chilean housing policy
Valentina Cortés-Urra / Darinka Czischke / Vincent Gruis -
Onderwijs 2024
Onderwijs 2023
Wonen in Nederland: eenheidsworst. Dat het anders kan, zie je hier
Verscheen in: NRC
Both the social and affordable housing sectors are undergoing comprehensive transition and reform in many countries: Interviewed by Nadia Petkova
Social housing¿s Eurostars: Interview door Dawn Foster
Middle income households victim of shifts in social housing sector
2024-07-17 - 2025-07-17