C.D. (Calvin) Rans PhD
C.D. (Calvin) Rans PhD
Fatigue and Damage Tolerance of Aircraft Structures.
Nederlands Docent van het Jaar - 2019
TUDelft Docent van het Jaar - 2018/19
Research Area
Calvin Rans’ research interests lay in developing a mechanistic understanding of the failure and degradation of lightweight aircraft materials and structures. True structural optimization that aims at minimizing weight without sacrificing safety can only be achieved by a thorough understanding of failure and failure progression. With such knowledge, structures can be designed to fail in a slow, progressive, and obvious manner, enabling failures to be detected and repaired long before they become critical to the safety of the aircraft. This design philosophy is known as Damage Tolerant Design and is the motivating driver for Rans’ work.
Recently, Rans’ work in fatigue and damage tolerance has branched out into the emerging field of Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM), also commonly known as 3D-printing. The design freedom allowed by this manufacturing technique enables structural designs with complexities and topologies that were previously the realm of science fiction. The technology enables new novel weight-optimized structures, but the question remains how do we certify them? In order to answer this, we need to determine the impact of the new manufacturing method on fatigue, degradation, and durability, and link this to the design and optimization procedure.
Crashworthiness Assessment of the Flying-V Under Complex Crash Scenarios With Partially Detailed Structures
T. Ferreira da Costa / Andrea Villa / C.D. Rans / Saullo G.P. Castro
Enhanced Strain Measurement Sensitivity with Gold Nanoparticle-Doped Distributed Optical Fibre Sensing
Xiang Wang / Yuzhe Xiao / Calvin Rans / Rinze Benedictus / Roger M. Groves
A Comprehensive Study on Measurement Accuracy of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors Embedded within Capillaries of Solid Structures
Y. Xiao / C.D. Rans / D. Zarouchas / R. Benedictus
The Student Flight Data Recorder – Building a culture of learning from failure
C.D. Rans / Julie J.E. Teuwen / H.M. Powis
To measure is to know
Evaluating indirect measurement techniques for observing the damage tolerance behaviour of spot welded thermoplastic composites
Eva T.B. Smeets / Calvin D. Rans / Saullo G.P. Castro / Irene F. Villegas -
Opening Cold Spray faciliteit
Verscheen in: TU Delft
Open Education Ambassador Awards for TU Delft lecturers
Verscheen in: TU Delft
Calvin Rans in de media 2023
Verscheen in: SBS6 programma 'De Helden van het Onderwijs'
De Helden van het Onderwijs
Verscheen in: SBS6
Calvin Rans van TU Delft uitgeroepen tot Docent van het Jaar
Verscheen in: NU.nl
Open Education Ambassador Award 2024
Every year, in conjunction with Open Education Week, TU Delft celebrates nine individuals, one from each faculty and QuTech, who have gone above and beyond to embody the spirit of Open Education.
TU Delft docent Calvin Rans de beste docent van Nederland
Calvin Rans, universitair docent bij de faculteit Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaarttechnologie (LR) en TU Delft Best Lecturer 2018, is verkozen tot de beste docent van Nederland. De jury waardeert de manier waarop Rans zijn studenten weet te inspireren en dat hij steeds blijft kijken naar manieren om zijn colleges te verbeteren. De verkiezing onder docenten van hogescholen en universiteiten is een initiatief van het Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (ISO).
TU Delft's Best Lecturer and Most Innovative Teaching Talent
Calvin Rans, assistant professor in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE), has been chosen TU Delft’s Best Lecturer of 2018. He is well known as a very approachable and engaged lecturer, who asks students for feedback in order to further improve his lectures. His students are highly enthusiastic about the courses he lectures on: his first year course Mechanics of Materials is taught in a blended way, linking in with students’ questions, and he manages to make the ‘tough’ second-year course, Structural Analysis & Design, interesting partly by using examples that bring the theory to life.
2024-04-05 - 2026-04-03