B. (Behrooz) Fereidoonnezhad
B. (Behrooz) Fereidoonnezhad
Impact of thrombus composition on virtual thrombectomy procedures using human clot analogues mechanical data
Virginia Fregona / Giulia Luraghi / Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad / Frank J.H. Gijsen / Charles B.L.M. Majoie / Jose Felix Rodríguez Matas / Francesco Migliavacca
Development of in silico models to guide the experimental characterisation of penile tissue and inform surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction
B. Fereidoonnezhad / M. Akbarzadeh Khorshidi / S. Bose / B. Watschke / E. Mareena / D. Nolan / S. Cooney / C. Lally
Tensile and Compressive Mechanical Behaviour of Human Blood Clot Analogues
Rachel M.E. Cahalane / Judith J. de Vries / Moniek P.M. de Maat / Kim van Gaalen / Heleen M. van Beusekom / Aad van der Lugt / Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad / Ali C. Akyildiz / Frank J.H. Gijsen
The role of tissue biomechanics in the implantation and performance of inflatable penile prostheses
current state of the art and future perspective
Shirsha Bose / Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad / Majid Akbarzadeh Khorshidi / Brian Watschke / Evania Mareena / Daragh Nolan / Sean Cooney / Ivor M. Cullen / Caitríona Lally -
Combined stent-retriever and aspiration intra-arterial thrombectomy performance for fragmentable blood clots
A proof-of-concept computational study
Giulia Luraghi / Sara Bridio / Vittorio Lissoni / Gabriele Dubini / Anushree Dwivedi / Ray McCarthy / Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad / Patrick McGarry / Frank J.H. Gijsen / More Authors -