Dr. A. (Aleksandra) Lekić

Dr. A. (Aleksandra) Lekić



Aleksandra is involved in the following projects:

  • InterOPERA, as a co-lead from TU Delft
  • Harmony, as a principal investigator
  • PROSECCO, as a principal investigator from TU Delft, and WP4 lead
  • SAFE-GRID, NWO Veni individual project
  • Inter-oPEn, as a principal investigator from TU Delft, and WP4 lead
  • SUNRISE, as a principal investigator from TU Delft and WP3 lead

Finished projects:



Aleksandra's research topics are related to the circuit theory, control, and stability analysis of nonlinear switching power converters and hybrid power systems employing power electronics. She has worked on circuit theory concepts applied to multiport power system analysis, with a special focus on HVDC systems; and harmonic stability assessment of the hybrid power systems consisting of the passive and active components: impedance-based MMC and other VSC modeling. Also, she has developed multiple nonlinear controlling algorithms relying on the Lyapunov theory, and model predictive control methods used for stable and efficient control of switching converters and systems consisting of renewable sources and power converters. 
Her research team has contributed with open source solutions for:

  1. RSCAD/RTDS based entirely scripted futuristic North-Sea energy hub models: https://github.com/control-protection-grids-tudelft/HVDC-RTDS-models
  2. RSCAD/RTDS models for advanced control of HVDC-based electrical grids using real-time training neural networks: https://github.com/control-protection-grids-tudelft/RTDS_NN_models
  3. MOOC "Control and protection of HVDC/AC electrical grids" offered by IEEE IES and the GitHub library of models following the course.
  4. Automatic nonlinear MPC solution for the DC-DC converters: https://github.com/kul-optec/dc_dc_simulator



Aleksandra received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, in 2012, 2013, and 2017, respectively.  Between 2012 and 2018 she has been a Teaching Assistant with the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, and an Assistant Professor from 2018 to 2019. In 2019 she worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering ESAT – ELECTA, KU Leuven, and in the Institute EnergyVille, Genk, Belgium. Since January 2020, Aleksandra works as an Assistant Professor at TU Delft, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. 
Aleksandra leads a team of researchers specializing in the Control of HVDC/AC power systems. She is an Associate Editor in the International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier. Aleksandra represents TU Delft in the General Assembly in the CRESYM organization, committed to open-source software development for the electrical grids.
Research team

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  • 2023-8-3

    Veni grant AES 2022

    EEMCS researcher Aleksandra Lekić has received a Veni grant within the Applied and Technical Sciences (TTW) domain. She received it for her research SAFE-GRID: Smart and Flexible Control for a Power Electronics-based Electrical Grid.

  • 2020

    Best paper award in 2020

    Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications

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