A.J. (Arjo) Loeve
A.J. (Arjo) Loeve
Applicability of the Madymo Pedestrian Model for forensic fall analysis
Vera de Vette / Kim Hutchinson / Winfred Mugge / Arjo Loeve / Jan Peter van Zandwijk
Modeling of inflicted head injury by shaking trauma in children
what can we learn?: Update to parts I&II: A systematic review of animal, mathematical and physical models
Kim Hutchinson / Jan Peter van Zandwijk / Marloes E.M. Vester / Ajay Seth / Rob A.C. Bilo / Rick R. van Rijn / Arjo J. Loeve -
Uncovering the spread of drug-resistant bacteria through next-generation sequencing based surveillance
transmission of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales by a contaminated duodenoscope
Cansu Cimen / Erik Bathoorn / Arjo J. Loeve / Monika Fliss / Matthijs S. Berends / Wouter B. Nagengast / Axel Hamprecht / Andreas Voss / Mariëtte Lokate -
Child Abuse, Non-Accidental Trauma, and Inflicted Injuries
Rob A.C. Bilo / Marloes E.M. Vester / Arjo A.J. Loeve / Rian A.H. Teeuw
Contactless Size Reference in Forensic Photography
Design and Verification of the Novel FreeRef-1 System
L.A.H. Schiks / M.S. Cook / L.R. Lipman / A.P. van Dijke / K. Hutchinson / Paul van den Hoven / A.J. Loeve -
Onderwijs 2024
- Medical Devices: Designing…
- Professional Development…
- BME Research Internship
- BME MSc Thesis
- BME Literature Research
- Klinisch Technologisch…
Onderwijs 2023
Eight lecturers honoured with the Open Education Ambassador Award
Verscheen in: TU Delft
De techniek achter forensisch onderzoek
Verscheen in: BNR Nieuwsradio, de BNR Techniektour
The Delft approach to Forensic Engineering
Verscheen in: TU Delft
Promotie online cursus: Forensic Engineering
Verscheen in: TU Delft
ICE Publishing Awards 2019: Telford Premium
Karel Terwel (CEG), Michiel Schuurman (AE) and Arjo Loeve (3ME) won a prestigious ICE Publishing Award for their joint work on ‘Improving reliability in forensic engineering: the Delft approach’. In the article, they describe the three main elements of the Delft approach, which in turn are based on insights gained from their respective fields of civil engineering, aerospace engineering and biomechanical engineering.
ICE Publishing Awards Ceremony
2022-11-09 - 2026-11-09