A. (Arvind) Gangoli Rao
A. (Arvind) Gangoli Rao
- Professor: Sustainble Aircraft Propulsion, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology: 2022-Current
- Associate Professor : Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology: 2014-2022
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology: 2008 -2014.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Turbo and Jet Engine Laboratory, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion : 2005-2008.
- Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology- Bombay : 2006
- Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Aerospace Propulsion, Indian Institute of Technology- Bombay : 2001.
Please check the complete list of my publications and citations on Google Scholar.
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arvind_Gangoli_Rao
Professional Activities
- National Representative and Board Member of International Soc. Of Air Breathing Engines.
- Member of the ACARE (Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe) WG3 committee (Energy and Environment).
- Member of the IGTI (International Gas Turbine Institute) Aircraft Engine Committee.
- Member of the Dutch Gas Turbine Association.
- Member of the editorial board for International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines.
- New concepts in aircraft propulsion.
- Low NOx Combustion Technologies for Gas Turbines
- Gas Turbine Cooling.
- Aircraft Infrared Signature Modeling.
Awards & Recognition
- Listed in 2019 Mandeley top 2% scientist in 2019. Ioannidis JPA, Boyack KW, Baas J (2020) Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. PLoS Biol 18(10): e3000918. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918. Data can be accessed by https://doi.org/10.17632/btchxktzyw.2#file-dd0904a8-0eba-4cf3-be4a-c6092261fed5
- More than 200,000 reads on ResearchGate
- CEAS most cited paper award 2023
- NWO visitors Grant 2010. This was used to support the stay of Prof. Yeshayaou Levy from Technion.
- Best Review Paper Award for the paper “Infrared Signature Studies of Aerospace Vehicles” IIT Bombay, 2009-10.
- Post-doctoral fellowship, Israeli Ministry of Higher Education, 2005-2007.
- Best Research Scholar, IIT Bombay 2004-05.
Current Projects
- Hylena (2024-2027): Hydrogen Electrical Engine Novel Architecture: The project looks at a novel SOFC-GT architecture for future aircraft propulsion
- HOPE Hydrogen Optimized multi-fuel Propulsion system for clean and silEnt aircraft: 2023-2027
- MINIMAL (2022-2026): https://www.minimal-aviation.eu/ The project looks at designing a novel composite cycle engine which can reduce aircraft fuel burn substantially.
- PureJet (2022-2025): To test the combustion characteristics of biofuels made by BTG.
- APPU (Auxiliary Propulsion and Power Unit, 2020-2023): Principal Investigator (Prof. Veldhuis as Co-PI). Partners: Safran Tech, Airbus. Total budget: 2.1 million Euros. APPU (tudelft.nl)
Experimental analysis of dual-fuel (CH4/H2) capability in a partially-premixed swirl stabilized combustor
Sarah Link / Kaushal Dave / Francesca de Domenico / Arvind Gangoli Rao / Georg Eitelberg
Kerosene-H2 blending effects on flame properties in a multi-fuel combustor
Kaushal Dave / Sarah Link / Francesca De Domenico / Ferry Schrijer / Fulvio Scarano / Arvind Gangoli Rao
CFD-based Scouting For The Design of a Multi-fuel Kerosene/Hydrogen Atmospheric Burner
Lorenzo Palanti / Lorenzo Mazzei / Cosimo Bianchini / Sarah Link / Kaushal Dave / F. De Domenico / A. Gangoli Rao
Flow field and emission characterization of a novel enclosed jet-in-hot-coflow canonical burner
Thimo van den Berg / Rishikesh Sampat / Arvind Gangoli Rao
Hydrogen-powered solid oxide fuel cell - gas turbine system for aeronautical application
Daniel Kierbel / Tanja Neuland / Paul Emile Roux / Pedro Nehter / Arvind Gangoli Rao / Francesca de Domenico / Maurice Hoogreef / Linder Van Biert / Feijia Yin / More Authors
Onderwijs 2024
Onderwijs 2023
Duurzaam viegen 2025
Verscheen in: Alles over waterstof
Duurzaam vliegen 2024
Verscheen in: RTL nieuws
Gangoli Rao in de media 2023
Verscheen in: TU Delft nieuws
De Stand van Nederland: Duurzame luchtvaart
Verscheen in: WNL
Wat word de energiedrager van de luchtvaart: Groener Vliegen
Verscheen in: De Ingenieur 131(3)
2021-05-03 - 2026-05-01
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2015-09-07 - 2026-12-31
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2025-04-01 - 2027-03-31