Dr. A. (Aksel) Ersoy
Dr. A. (Aksel) Ersoy
Journal articles
Engelbert. J., Ersoy, A., van Bueren, E. and van Zoonen, L. (2021) Capitalizing on the "public turn": new possibilities for civil servants and citizens in smart city-making, Journal of Urban Technology https://doi.org/10.1080/10630732.2021.1963647
Zhang, Q., Tjia, L.Y., Wang, B. and Ersoy, A. (2021) Sustainable Construction and Financing – Asset-Backed Securitization of Expressway’s Usufruct with Redeemable Rights, Sustainability https://doi.org/10.3390/su13169113
Ersoy, A. (2021) One year after the covid-19 Pandemic: reframing future cities in the awakening of crises, disP - The Planning Review https://doi.org/10.1080/02513625.2021.1945815
Wang, B., de Jong, M., van Bueren, E., Ersoy, A. and Chen, Y. (2021) Unravelling decision-making processes on location choices for high-speed railway stations in China: a comparison of Shenzhen, Lanzhou and Jingmen, Planning Theory & Practice https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2021.1933578
Ersoy, A and van Bueren, E (2020) The challenges of urban living labs towards the future of local innovation, Urban Planning 5(4) dx.doi.org/10.17645/up.v5i4.3226
Ersoy, A and Hall, S (2020) The Bristol Green Capital Partnership: an exemplar of reflexive governance for sustainable urban development, Town Planning Review 91(4) doi.org/10.3828/tpr.2020.23
Acheilas, I, Hooimeijer, F and Ersoy, A (2020) A decision support tool for implementing district heating in existing cities focusing on using a geothermal source, Energies 13:11 doi.org/10.3390/en13112750
Ersoy, A, Bryson, J and van Bueren, E (2020) Unlocking values through infrastructure interdependencies, Infrastructure Asset Management 7(2) doi.org/10.1680/jinam.18.00029
Ersoy, A and Larner, W (2020) Rethinking urban entrepreneurialism: Bristol Green Capital – in it for good?, European Planning Studies 28(4) doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2019.1635085
Ersoy, A. and Alberto K.C. (2019) Understanding urban infrastructure via big data: the case of Belo Horizonte, Regional Studies Regional Science 6(1) doi.org/10.1080/21681376.2019.1623068
Ersoy, A. (2019) The impact of smart city technologies on the urban process: lessons learned from three UK cities, Precedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning 172(5) doi.org/10.1680/jurdp.18.00053
Ersoy, A. (2017) Smart cities as a mechanism towards a broader understanding of infrastructure interdependencies, Regional Studies Regional Science 4(1) doi.org/10.1080/21681376.2017.1281154
*see Scholar Google for other publications before 2017
Assistant Professor in Urban Development Management
As a planning/geography graduate, my interest in cities and the built environment has been a primary focus. Overall, my research areas focus on future cities, urban infrastructure, urban environment, urban resilience, coproduction and governmentality. I am curious about how cities function, evolve and fail that have become common-sense rules for the management of our cities. I believe that citizens recognize themselves as city makers, not simply city users. This is an important starting point for the future city as today, our cities are eager for order and the promise of “big data” while the alluring promises of meritocracy and social mobility ring increasingly hollow.
Some of the questions I am interested in exploring include:
- How has digitalization agenda become a concern not just for the state but for many other issues around urban infrastructure, a number of actors/stakeholders in a city, culture etc.? (my short piece in Domus Magazine)
- How can citizens’ experiences as part of the ‘future city’ discussions contribute to the making of urban space, urban services and urban experience? (my collaboration with AMS Institute)
- How can urban infrastructure and their interdependencies be reframed as part of the transition agenda? (my work with JPI Urban Europe)
- How can resilience thinking help us define the impacts of interactive relations, interfaces and arrangements amongst the components of the urban systems?; (our work with the World Bank) and
- How can community/local practices advance coproduced research for interdisciplinary studies while stimulating inclusion and transformation? (my edited collection)
- Biyue Wang: Exploring the Location Choices of High Speed Railway Stations in China
- Macarena Gaete Cruz: Collaborative Design for Resilient Public Space in Chile
- Lucy Oates: Governance in Integrated Urban Development in Global South
CIRCUMAT project aims to helps actors related to cities or city regions in Europe to identify the characteristics of the regions, their consumption and production activities and their relation to the environmental and economic indicators
International Centre for Infrastructure Futures (ICIF) aims to create a shared, facilitated learning environment in which social scientists, engineers, industrialists, policy makers and other stakeholders can research and learn together to understand how better to exploit the technical and market opportunities that emerge from the increased interdependence of infrastructure systems
Productive Margins embody an understanding that people and communities excluded from participation in the regulatory regimes that impact upon their daily lives have expertise, experience and creativity that can be politically productive.
Bryson, J.R., Andres, L. Ersoy, A and Reardon, L, (Eds.) (2021) Living with Pandemics: People Place and Policy, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham
Ersoy, A. (2018) Economic Geography of Turkey: A curate’s Egg, I.B.Tauris
Ersoy, A. (2017) (Eds.) The Impact of Co-production: From Engagement to Social Justice, Policy Press
I am an urban planner and geographer by training. I graduated from the Department of City and Regional Planning (with a minor degree in Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing) at Middle East Technical University, completed my MSc in Urban Planning and Policy at Politecnico di Milano; and MA in Town and Regional Planning at the University of Sheffield. I received a PhD in Economic Geography on the topic of 'Dynamics and Drivers of Turkish Regional Development' from the University of Birmingham under the supervision of Prof Michael Taylor and Prof John Bryson. I took up researcher and lectureship positions at the University of Birmingham, University of Aberdeen, University of Bristol and Oxford Brookes University before taking up my current position in the Department of Management in the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology in October 2017.
Google Scholar: Aksel Ersoy
Twitter: @AkselErsoy
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aksel-ersoy-2b929927/
I am also currently an editorial board member of disP- the Planning Review, Digital Geography and Society, Planning Practice and Research
The Potential of AI in Information Provision in Energy-Efficient Renovations
A Narrative Review of Literature
C. Koray Bingöl / Tong Wang / Aksel Ersoy / Ellen van Bueren -
Adapting a systems perspective for sectoral coordination
Approaching flood resilience in Houston and Accra
Aksel Ersoy / Nikki Brand / Ellen van Bueren -
Artificial intelligence and post-pandemic recovery
Aksel Ersoy / Luciano Cavalcante Siebert / Tong Wang / Paul Chan
Fragmented recoveries and proactive adaptability
New paradigm shifts, and theoretical directions to unpacking recovery processes and behavioural change
Lauren Andres / John R. Bryson / Aksel Ersoy / Louise Reardon -
Integrating Environmental Sustainability in Construction and Real Estate Management Education
Erwin Mlecnik / Queena Qian / Ad Straub / Aksel Ersoy / Hilde Remoy / Vincent Gruis / Fred Hobma / Remon Rooij / Herman Vande Putte / Gerard van Bortel / Monika Roeling
The role of Urban Living Labs today
Verscheen in: Acik Radyo
2022-05-02 - 2026-04-30