Dr. A.A. (Alfredo) Nunez Vicencio
Dr. A.A. (Alfredo) Nunez Vicencio
Dr. Alfredo Núñez is an Associate Professor at Delft University of Technology, specializing in intelligent railway infrastructures. His expertise lies in intelligent transportation systems, railway engineering, and computational intelligence, with over 150 journal and conference publications (see Publication List). The Dutch Research Council, ProRail, and European projects such as IAM4RAIL, In2Track3, and NeTIRail-INFRA have supported his research. As a recognised leader in his field, Dr. Núñez has played key roles in various EU projects and served as an associate editor and guest editor for leading journals, including IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Applied Soft Computing, and Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure. He has also contributed to major transportation conferences, both as a member of the local organization committee (IEEE-ITSC 2013, TRISTAN IX, CM2018) and as a speaker, delivering over 50 conference and workshop presentations. Dr. Núñez has mentored numerous PhD researchers and MSc and EngD students, with some of them receiving prestigious awards, such as the European Rail Research Advisory Council PhD thesis award, the PWI Young Achiever Award, two in the list of best conference papers and one best journal paper award in 2024. He is also dedicated to education, developing online professional courses, and contributing to redesigning courses and MSc programs. At TU Delft, he belongs to the teaching teams of Dynamica en Modelvorming, Transportation Infrastructures, Road and Railway Engineering, Transportation Infrastructures under Extreme Conditions, Emerging Technologies for Transportation Infrastructure, and Structural Health Monitoring. Additionally, he is actively involved in academic and industry collaborations, serving as a member of the 4TU Built Environment’s Domain Acceleration Team for Infrastructure, the CiTG Faculty ED&I team, and cluster leader of task in railway infrastructure for ERJU FP3.
A Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Approach for Infrastructure Health Monitoring Using On-board Vibration Response
R. RiahiSamani / Alfredo Nunez / B.H.K. De Schutter
A Train-Borne Laser Vibrometer Solution Based on Multisignal Fusion for Self-Contained Railway Track Monitoring
Yuanchen Zeng / Alfredo Núñez / Rolf Dollevoet / Arjen Zoeteman / Zili Li
Condition monitoring of railway transition zones using acceleration measurements on multiple axle boxes
Case studies in the Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway
Li Wang / Siwarak Unsiwilai / Yuanchen Zeng / Chen Shen / Jurjen Hendriks / Jan Moraal / Arjen Zoeteman / Alfredo Nunez / Rolf Dollevoet / Zili Li -
Detection of Rail Surface Defects based on Axle Box Acceleration Measurements
A Measurement Campaign in Sweden
Wassamon Phusakulkajorn / Jurjen Hendriks / Jan Moraal / Chen Shen / Yuanchen Zeng / Siwarak Unsiwilai / Bojan Bogojevic / Matthias Asplund / Arjen Zoeteman / Alfredo Nunez / Rolf Dollevoet / Zili Li -
In2Track3 - Demonstration Campaign Detection of Rolling Contact Fatigue using ABA Measurements
Verscheen in: In2Track3 EU project
AllYouNeedIsLAB My research on Intelligent Railway Infrastructure
Verscheen in: Radio Usach
CNN Chile interview
Verscheen in: CNN Chile
NeTIRail-INFRA project final results WP4
Verscheen in: Youtube channel NeTIRail-INFRA project
NeTIRail-INFRA ABA Axle Box Acceleration System
Verscheen in: NeTIRail
The Best Paper Award of Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure in 2023
The paper entitled "Artificial Intelligence in Railway Infrastructure: Current Research, Challenges, and Future Opportunities" has been honoured with the BEST PAPER AWARD from Oxford University Press.
Best papers of RailBelgrade 2023: 10th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA)
RailBelgrade 2023 -
Best papers of RailBeijing 2021: 9th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA)
RailBeijing 2021 -
Senior Member of the IEEE Society
Senior Member of the IEEE Society, Aug. 2014. This is a recognition of engineers, scientists, and educators who have been in professional practice for at least ten years and have shown significant performance over a period of at least five years
2024-01-01 - 2026-01-01
2024-05-01 - 2026-04-30
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2019-04-01 - 2026-11-30
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