Extension School for Continuing Education
In order to fulfill the Extensions School’s mission to educate the world and enhance the quality of TU Delft's campus and continuing education, a set of quality indicators, both qualitative and quantitative, have been defined and applied to successfully benchmark all our quality activities.
The Quality Standards & Indicators pertain to three levels: Institutional, Portfolio, and Course. This three-level approach allows us to better organize and execute the Extension School’s Quality Assurance System to guarantee a closer alignment with the existing quality culture, activities, and policies in place at TU Delft.
The Institutional Quality Standards encompass core elements such as the Extension School’s institutional philosophy, policies, and impact strategies. They ensure that as an organisation we are successfully embedded within the University and a key player in the larger ecosystem of continuing education and lifelong learning.
The Portfolio Quality Standards reflect our strategy to provide courses and programs on specific themes, which are based on the expertise of the University, can attract the right target audience, and have a beneficial impact TU Delft’s education and beyond. Therefore, our educational portfolio themes are of market and societal relevance, and we deliver online education in different formats to respond to the individual needs of lifelong learners and professionals.
The Course Quality Standards highlight the pedagogical model used in our unique course design and development: the cutting-edge course curriculum, learning activities, and technologies that create an optimal learning experience whilst fulfilling the relevant learning objectives.
Educational portfolio themes

Institutional Quality Standards
Institutional Quality Standards
1. Philosophy
The ES mission is to educate the world and enhance the quality of TU Delft campus and continuing education. There is a corresponding strategic plan to support its educational philosophy.
Rationale: ES is committed to providing a high-quality, stimulating and engaging (online) learning experience, which supports professionals and lifelong learners from across the globe, interested in engineering, science, and design. ES educational philosophy, widely backed by staff and faculty members, guarantees a high-quality learning experience that meets learners’ needs. Policies and strategic plans facilitate the ES mission with a focus on the internal quality assurance of its education. The ES organisational structure and allocated resources support its strategy.
1.1 ES educational philosophy is in place and aligned with the philosophy of TU Delft
1.2 ES strategic plan is in place to achieve its mission and educational philosophy
1.3 Open Education is a core aspect of the ES philosophy
1.4 ES communicates its vision and strategic plan to all stakeholders
1.5 ES clear governance structure underpins its philosophy
1.6 ES has the required resources to support its operations.
2. Implementation
The ES educational philosophy is realised in an effective, inclusive and learner-centred manner that is supported by a high-quality culture.
Rationale: ES policy and processes are put in place to realise its educational philosophy. The quality assurance activities are aligned to a quality framework. Staff, faculty members and other stakeholders are up-to-date with the policy and processes allowing ES to achieve its intended quality culture. Data and learners’ feedback underpin the continuous improvement attitude that is cultivated among staff and faculty members.
2.1 The ES philosophy is translated into policy actions
2.2 ES quality assurance system is in place
2.3 Processes are in place to support the systematic delivery of ES education and services
2.4 Processes are in place to collect and collate data and learners' feedback to improve educational services
2.5 Stakeholders know about and adhere to the ES quality culture.
3. Evaluation and monitoring
ES systematically evaluates whether the intended policy objectives relating to educational quality are achieved.
Rationale: Effective feedback and reporting cycles support the evaluation and monitoring of ES activities. These monitoring activities are embedded into ES at all tiers in the organisation. Data is used to make appropriate quality improvements. ES publishes accurate, up-to-date and accessible information regarding the evaluation results so as to continue to promote a culture of transparency.
3.1 The ES strategic plan is reviewed and periodically updated for its continuing relevance
3.2 Quality metrics are defined and reviewed on a frequent basis
3.3 Appropriate measurement and evaluation activities are an integral part of the ES processes
3.4 The continuous improvement of education and services is one of the concrete outcomes of the ES evaluation processes
3.5 Evaluation results are published and accessible to relevant stakeholders.
4. Development
ES focusses on the continuous improvement of its education, innovation and research.
Rationale: Outcomes of evaluations are used to support and improve policy or its implementation. Following up on measures for improvement is an integral part of ES processes. ES encourages all stakeholders to contribute towards innovation and quality improvement. Developments that are being put in place on the basis of the evaluation outcomes are clearly communicated. ES pursues continuous improvement, adapts to (changing) circumstances, and conforms to the expectations of learners and staff. A monitoring system captures and reports on best practices that might not necessarily be included in the regular reporting cycles.
4.1 Results of the ES quality assurance activities are discussed on a cyclical basis and an improvement plan is put in place
4.2 Budget is available for the continuing development of ES staff and for the continuous improvement of technologies and services
4.3 Best practice on continuing education and lifelong learning is captured and shared.
5. Impact
Continuing education impacts TU Delft and beyond.
Rationale: ES effects a positive impact on campus education and beyond in the sphere of continuing education/lifelong learning. In this regard, diverse faculty members partner with ES to deliver education; teaching is also improved through learner interaction and feedback. Research and innovation are coordinated in areas that will bring about a positive impact on the work of ES and on campus education. ES aims to have a positive impact on leaders and society by offering education that addresses the UN Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs). By being embedded in the TU Delft organisation, ES contributes to a long-term impact on continuing education at large.
5.1 ES contributes to improvements in campus education and vice versa
5.2 ES contributes to the continuous development of the learner
5.3 ES annual innovation and research budget is used to improve continuing and campus education
5.4 ES contributes to the UN SDGs
5.5 ES establishes a strong network within the industry as a partner and sounding board for continuing education
5.6 ES becomes a sustainable organisation and is embedded within the university and in the continuing education/ Lifelong Learning eco system and beyond.
This is the end of this chapter

Portfolio Quality Standards
Portfolio Quality Standards
1. Portfolio strategy
The ES portfolio strategy should encompass themes based on the expertise of the University and on learners demand.
Rationale: A portfolio strategy exists for each ES core theme and an academic portfolio director is responsible to ensure that each portfolio is coherent, includes a diversity of course offerings, and is of societal and market relevance. The strategy is informed both by the University’s own strategic goals and by market analysis; it is successfully implemented with the required resources (budget and expertise).
1.1 The ES portfolio themes align with the university's strategic themes contributing to finding solutions to societal and market challenges
1.2 ES has a portfolio strategy for each theme with a responsible person (academic portfolio director) in place
1.3 Each portfolio theme strategy addresses coherency and alignment in its portfolio offering
1.4 ES has a clear management structure that enables it to support its portfolio strategies
1.5 ES allocates sufficient resources to effectively support the portfolio strategy.
2. Evaluation and monitoring
The ES Portfolio is systematically evaluated for educational coherency and relevance.
Rationale: The ES portfolio strategy is regularly reviewed and updated. Dashboards enable the academic portfolio directors to make informed decisions for improvement. The academic portfolio directors also use market evaluations to make adjustments/improvements to the strategy. Review and improvement processes are embedded at portfolio level; reports are published and shared with relevant stakeholders.
2.1 The ES portfolio strategy is reviewed and periodically updated for its continuing relevance
2.2 Learners' analytics and market information are used to improve the portfolio strategy
2.3 Appropriate measurement and evaluation processes and activities are embedded at portfolio level.
3. Development, access and reach
The ES Portfolio is broad and serving a diverse target audience across the globe.
Rationale: The ES portfolio development of course content and mode of delivery enables extensive access and reach. It is thus able to attract a diverse target audience (as well as the right audience for which the portfolio is developed). The portfolio content delivers state-of-the-art education (quality education with incorporating the latest ideas) that encourages learners to pursue continuing education/ lifelong learning in a thematic area.
3.1 The ES portfolio provides up-to-date and state-of-the-art education
3.2 The ES portfolio engages both internal TU Delft students and external learners encouraging continuing education/ Lifelong Learning
3.3 The ES portfolio attracts and caters for diverse, yet the right kind of learners.
4. Impact
The ES portfolio impacts TU Delft and beyond.
Rationale: The ES portfolio has a broad, global impact effected through the re-use of its education materials on campus and by offering access to educational materials on OCW (Open CourseWare). By contributing to the UN SDGs the ES portfolio is also of societal relevance. The portfolio increases ES visibility by strengthening its position as an education provider with expertise in thematic areas (partnerships, B2B and B2C are also increased).
4.1 Education materials are used for campus education (and vice versa) and beyond TU Delft
4.2 The ES portfolio connects to the Human Capital Agenda of the UN SDGs
4.3 ES is visible and active in the ecosystem of continuing education/ Lifelong Learning at national and global levels.
This is the end of this chapter

Course Quality Standards
Course Quality Standards
1. Course design and development
The ES mission is to educate the world and enhance the quality of TU Delft campus and continuing education. There is a corresponding strategic plan to support its educational philosophy.
Rationale: Course design and development are carried out by course teams who are key to delivering high-quality courses; the course teams will be committed for the full duration of the course. A course team consists of content experts (TU Delft instructors), teaching assistants, a course coordinator, and a learning developer. Course design takes a learner-centred approach following the ES online learning experience principles and its course development process, while being relevant to the target audience. Courses enable learners to meet the learning objectives effectively. ES develops its courses based on open and inclusive practices where possible, as part of our mission to educate the world.
1.1 Each course has a qualified course team with the expertise required to achieve the course goals
1.2 The course development process ensures course teams are provided with relevant resources
1.3 The ES online learning experience principles guide the course design
1.4 The learning objectives are aligned with specific assessments and learning activities for the given target audience
1.5 Courses are developed based on open practices, where possible
1.6 The course design follows accessibility and usability guidelines.
2. Course curriculum
Courses enable learners to integrate knowledge and professional skills in the fields of Science, Engineering, and Design.
Rationale: Courses tie in with current developments in the fields of Science, Engineering, and Design and belong to at least one of the ES portfolio themes. The courses provide learning activities that have real-world applications. Detailed course information is included in the course syllabus so that learners know what to expect throughout the course, including the relevant learning and assessment regulations. Course curricula aim to be inclusive and accessible to all learners, and attract the audience the course is designed for.
2.1 Courses fit within the field of science, engineering, and design
2.2 The courses' activities, materials, and the learning experience enable learners to achieve the intended learning outcomes
2.3 The courses' syllabus outlines the course overview, learning objectives, study load, and assessment details so that the learner knows what to expect
2.4 Courses match the diverse target audiences in accordance with the ES Diversity & Inclusion statement.
3. Assessments
Courses have an adequate assessment system in place according to the type of course.
Rationale: Assessments are constructively aligned with relevant learning objectives and activities. Assessment requirements and results are transparent and available to learners. Assessments are in place to support the learner’s learning process.
3.1 Learning outcomes are assessed using a balance of formative and summative assessments appropriate to the curriculum
3.2 Assessments are authentic, varied and inclusive
3.3 Assessment criteria and results are clearly and timely communicated to learners
3.4 Learners may be allowed to do retakes with the approval of the course team where applicable
3.5 There is a process in place to handle disputes and fraud cases in a standardised manner
3.6 The QA Board upholds the Quality Standards with regards to assessment and certification.
4. Course delivery
Course delivery methods encourage learners’ engagement and active learning through consistent moderation and feedback.
Rationale: The course delivery promotes learner engagement and aims to build a learning community, supporting open communication, and establishing trust. Active learning is promoted through good and consistent moderation, clear communication, and timely feedback to learners. Aggregated platform data is analysed to improve the learning experience for future runs.
4.1 Course team members in charge of moderation are fully trained before starting to moderate courses
4.2 Course moderation is consistent and of good quality
4.3 Each course includes (in)formal feedback to help learners improve their performance
4.4 Learners are informed of and held accountable for adhering to the ES Code of Conduct, and to the forum and collaboration guidelines
4.5 Course delivery is evaluated through the analysis of platform data, input from learners on their experience, and feedback from the course team.
5. Evaluation and monitoring
Courses are systematically evaluated for their educational quality and relevance.
Rationale: The course evaluation process is crucial to ensure that an effective Quality Assurance cycle is embedded at the course level. Evaluation ensures that learners have an optimal learning experience and achieve the intended learning outcomes. Additionally, courses are evaluated for continued relevance. Aggregated data and feedback (gathered from learners, and teaching and support staff) are collected and analysed to serve as input for improvements.
5.1 There is a QA cycle in place for continuous improvement
5.2 Learners' data and course team feedback contribute to the improvement plan
5.3 Courses are regularly reviewed and improved (including in Open CourseWare) to remain relevant for learners
5.4 The QA Board upholds the quality of education by monitoring the course evaluation process.
6. Technology
Technology adequately supports the courses’ learning outcomes.
Rationale: High-quality online courses can make use of technology that supports the learning outcomes. Information is available for learners about what is required to follow the course in terms of technology and internet connection. ES is open to innovation towards existing and new, promising technologies. Technologies implemented in the courses are supported by relevant guidelines; training is also available for teaching and support staff, and learners. ES has a privacy policy in place that learners are made aware of.
6.1 A variety of technologies supports the achievement of the learning outcomes
6.2 Course teams are supported in the development and use of technologies
6.3 Learners are advised of the minimum technical requirements needed to be able to follow a course
6.4 Learners are informed on how their data and privacy are protected.
This is the end of this chapter

Contact us
Email: extension-school@tudelft.nl
Telephone: +31 (0)15 27 89807
Building 32, Landbergstraat 15
2628 CE Delft, The Netherlands
Visit our website