Dr.ir. D.C. (Dorine) Duives
Dr. ir. Dorine Duives is an assistant professor at the department of Transport & Planning. Her research interests lie in the modelling of the dynamics of the active modes of transport and the deduction of travel behaviour by means of field experiments and big data analysis. Her expertise lies in traffic operations and management, especially in the context of the active modes of transportation, such as pedestrians and cyclists, within urban environments. In her work on the monitoring and management of crowd movements and cyclist traffic she cooperates closely with the planning departments and security organisations of municipalities, large-scale events and transportation hubs.
After obtaining a BSc in Civil Engineering, she completed MSc degree Transport Modelling at Northwestern University – Chicago, USA. Subsequently, she completed a second MSc degree Transport&Planning at the Delft University of Technology, which involved the testing of a new UAV data collection technique at a Dutch music festival. She completed her PhD in 2016, which concerned the analysis and modelling of crowd movement dynamics at large-scale events.
Dorine is committed to the further exploration of both the practical and theoretic sides of the management and operation of active mode infrastructure. The aim is to fuse insights from the contemporary management practice as well as the theoretic traffic flow theory, in order to improve the understanding, the simulation and management of the active modes of traffic.
Dorine is working on various projects in the realm of active mode research, amongst other things, the development of an evaluation scheme for crowded pedestrian spaces in collaboration with the municipality of Amsterdam, a study on the impact of COVID-19 on the travel behaviour of NS passengers, the EIT KIC project CityFlows and the ZonMw COVID-19 project SamenSlimOpen.
Research themes:
- Pedestrian travel behaviour analysis and modelling
- Active mode research - ERC
Duives, D.C., Daamen, W., Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2017). Operational walking dynamics of crowds modelled by means of linear regression. Transportation Research Record. No. 2623. DOI: 10.3141/2623-10. S
Duives, D.C., Y. Yuan, W. Daamen, S.P. Hoogendoorn (2017) Multi-directional ASM for pedestrian traffic state estimation, hEART 2017, Haifa, Israel.
Duives, D.C. (2016) Analysis and Modelling of Pedestrian Movement Dynamics at large-scale events, University of Technology, The Netherlands, PhD thesis.
Duives, D.C., W. Daamen, S.P. Hoogendoorn (2016). Continuum modelling of pedestrian flows - Part 2: Sensitivity analysis featuring crowd movement phenomena. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 447, pp. 36-48.
Duives, D.C., W. Daamen, S.P. Hoogendoorn (2015). Quantification of the level of crowdedness for pedestrian movements. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 427, pp. 162-180.
Hoogendoorn, S.P., F.L.M. van Wageningen-Kessels, W. Daamen, D.C. Duives (2014). Continuum modelling of pedestrian flows: From microscopic principles to self-organised macroscopic phenomena, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 416, pp. 684-694.
Duives, D.C., W. Daamen, S.P. Hoogendoorn (2013). State-of-the-art crowd motion simulation models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 37, pp. 193-209.
Duives, D.C., H.S.M. Mahmassani (2013). Exit choice decisions during pedestrian evacuations of buildings. Transportation Research Record, 2316, pp. 84-94
- Reviewer for several international journals,
- Member of the Wetenschappelijke raad Veilig Ontruimen

Dr. Dorine Duives
Assistant professor
- +31 (0)15 27 86304
- D.C.Duives@tudelft.nl
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
Room: 4.24
Availability: Mon-Thu
Read my Story of Science
Dr.ir. D.C. (Dorine) Duives
Dr. ir. Dorine Duives is an Associate Professor at the Department of Transport & Planning. Her research interests lie in the modeling of the dynamics of the active modes of transport and the deduction of travel behavior by means of field experiments and big data analysis. Her expertise lies in traffic operations and management, especially in the context of active modes of transportation, such as pedestrians and cyclists, within urban environments. In her work on the monitoring and management of crowd movements and cyclist traffic, she cooperates closely with the planning departments and security organizations of municipalities, large-scale events, and transportation hubs.
After obtaining a BSc in Civil Engineering, she completed an MSc degree in Transport Modelling at Northwestern University – Chicago, USA. Subsequently, she completed a second MSc degree in Transport & Planning at the Delft University of Technology, which involved the testing of a new UAV data collection technique at a Dutch music festival. She completed her Ph.D. in 2016, which concerned the analysis and modeling of crowd movement dynamics at large-scale events.
Dorine is committed to the further exploration of both the practical and theoretic sides of the management and operation of active mode infrastructure. The aim is to fuse insights from the contemporary management practice as well as the theoretic traffic flow theory in order to improve the understanding, simulation, and management of the active modes of traffic.
Dorine is and has been working on various projects in the realm of active mode research, amongst other things, impact assessments of crowd management techniques (NWO project CrowdIT Space), the development of an evaluation scheme for crowded pedestrian spaces, studying the impact of COVID-19 on the travel behavior of NS passengers, the EIT KIC project CityFlows and the ZonMw COVID-19 project SamenSlimOpen.
- ancillary activities
2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31